Thursday, December 26, 2019
Does Atmospheric Pressure Affect Humidity
Does atmospheric pressure affect relative humidity? The question is important to archivists who preserve paintings and books, as water vapor can damage priceless works. Many scientists say there is a relationship between atmospheric pressure and humidity, but describing the nature of the effect is not so simple. Other experts believe pressure and humidity are unrelated. In a nutshell, pressure likely does affect relative humidity. However, the difference between atmospheric pressure at different locales likely doesnt impact humidity to a significant degree. Temperature is the primary factor affecting humidity. The Case for Pressure Affecting Humidity Relative humidity (RH) is defined as a ratio of mole fraction of actual water vapor, to a mole fraction of water vapor that can be saturated in dry air, where the two values are obtained at the same temperature and pressure.Mole fraction values are obtained from water density values.Water density values vary with atmospheric pressure.Atmospheric pressure varies with altitude.The temperature boiling point of water varies with atmospheric pressure (or altitude).Saturated Water Vapor pressure value is dependent on the boiling point of water (such that the values of the boiling point of water is lower at higher altitudes).Humidity in any form is the relationship between the saturated water vapor pressure, and the sample-airs partial water vapor pressure. Partial water vapor pressure values are dependent on pressure and temperature.Since both saturated water vapor property values and partial water pressure values are observed to non-linearly change with atmospheric pressure and temperatur e, then the absolute value of atmospheric pressure is required to accurately calculate the water vapor relationship as it applies to the perfect ideal gas law (PV nRT).To accurately measure humidity and use the principles of the perfect gas law, one must obtain the absolute atmospheric pressure value as a fundamental requirement for calculating relative humidity values at higher altitudes.Since the majority of the RH sensors do not have built-in pressure sensor, they are inaccurate above sea level, unless a conversion equation is used with a local atmospheric pressure instrument. The Argument Against a Relationship Between Pressure and Humidity Nearly all humidity related processes are independent of total air pressure, because water vapor in air does not interact with oxygen and nitrogen in any way, as first demonstrated by John Dalton early in the nineteenth century.The only RH sensor type that is sensitive to air pressure is the psychrometer, because air is the carrier of heat to the wet sensor and the remover of evaporated water vapor from it. The psychrometric constant is quoted in tables of physical constants as a function of total air pressure. All other RH sensors should not need adjustment for altitude. However, the psychrometer is often used as a convenient calibration device for HVAC installations, so if it is used with the constant for the wrong pressure to check a sensor that is in fact correct, it will indicate a sensor error.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe - 1798 Words
Edgar Allen Poe s, The Cask Of Amontillado, is a between two enemies. It humorously portrays the foil of Fortunato, as he is led through the catacombs. Poe s humor is dark, sarcastic and very ironic, which quickly becomes a signpost of the tale. Poe sets himself apart from other authors in his works, based on how he depicts and encounters death. It accentuates the notion that at times, your worst enemy will appear as your best friend. Pride is the downfall of every man and the same can be said for Fortunato. â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†starts out with Montresor, the narrator, saying, â€Å"Fortunato has hurt me a thousands time and i had suffered quietly†¦I promise myself that I would make him pay for this that I would have revenge.†(68).†¦show more content†¦Besides, there is Luchesi-.†Montresor does an excellent job of being Fortunatos’ friend and at the same time convinces him to continue drinking and telling him, â€Å"A draught of th is Medoc will defend us from the damps.†Montresor was not trying to defend either one of them, his only purpose was to place Fortunato into a higher state of drunkenness. Montresor causes Fortunato to become so drunk that while he was being chained to the wall by Montresor, â€Å"He was too much astounded to resist.†â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†is filled with many ironies and also life lessons; such as know who your real friends are. Fortunato thought his real friend was Montresor when, in reality, Montresor was anything but his friend. Not only did Montresor fake his sincerity towards Fortunato, he was also vengeful and very intelligent in his actions to kill Fortunato. This is a tale about pride and revenge. Among the many ironies of the tale are three which prove quite striking. The first is obvious from the beginning lines: â€Å"The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge. You, who so well know the nature of my soul, will not suppose, however, that I gave utterance to a threat.†These lines are being delivered by the Narrator, Montressor, to his confessor, an unnamed priest. The confessor is the you of the second line: You, who so well know the nature of my soul.... The irony is thatShow MoreRelatedThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe992 Words  | 4 PagesEdgar Allen Poe had many pieces of literature, but one in particular â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†reflected his personality. It is a short story that can be read easily, and can take on many ironies. The several ironies can point to the fact that Poe himself was implanted into the story as he was a mysterious man. There are several characters with different personalities often interpreted as Poe hiding his dark side which would be â€Å"Montresor†. The other personality Fortunato could be that drunken personalityRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe953 Words  | 4 Pagesseek revenge. â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†is a short story by the American poet, edit or and story writer Edgar Allen Poe. This story is a tale of revenge touching on the darker sides of human nature and at what lengths a man will go to achieve vengeance. We are told by our narrator Montresor that he had been insulted by a wealthy wine connoisseur named Fortunato. Montresor picks him out of the carnival and lures him into his wine cellar with promise of a renown sherry wine, Amontillado. Fortunato is baitedRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe1052 Words  | 5 PagesEdgar Allen Poe was one of the most famed authors of death, decay, and depression in the 18th century. Poe started his writing career during the Romantic literature period, a period focused on nature, emotions, and a fascination with the supernatural elements. As writers started to write in this new genre, works started becoming dark, with an eerie feeling and a tone of death. Out of the Romantic era came the sub-classification of the Gothic genre. Poe started to embrace this new genre an d his writingsRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe1204 Words  | 5 Pagesbest could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge†(Poe 1). This line draws the reader into the story by bringing up questions like, what insults could have been done to deserve such revenge? The uniqueness in the question itself is that it turns the table of a classic mystery or gothic story (Mcgarth). Instead of asking â€Å"who did it,†the question is, â€Å"why did he do it†(Baraban Motive for Murder in Cask of Amontillado ). Montresor uses Fortunato’s strengthens and turns them intoRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe851 Words  | 4 Pagesabout â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†Do hate someone, but act like they are your best friend to get something that you want from them? Edgar Allen Poe does in his story â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†as he uses Montresor to tell Fortunato’s journey to catacombs and how he â€Å"conceives and executes an ingenious plan... for revenging†Fortunato (Gruesser 129). In â€Å"The cask of Amontillado†Poe uses tone, plot devices, and the setting to present the theme of appearances masking reality. To begin, Poe uses one toRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe1025 Words  | 5 PagesJared Mourning English II Prof. Platt Thursday, March 3, 2016 Fortunato’s Misfortune In â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado,†Edgar Allen Poe issues a warning that even your closest friends can stab you in the back when you insult them in the right way. Poe perfectly portrays the way someone you think is your best friend could just as well be your biggest enemy. In â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†Edgar Allen Poe uses Montresor’s point of view, plot, and symbolism to convey the cold, merciless man who is MontresorRead More`` Cask Of Amontillado `` By Edgar Allen Poe1505 Words  | 7 PagesEdgar Allen Poe was a writer who sculpted every detail to create his desired â€Å"theme†. His short stories are mostly representing the murder of a character. The murderer, who is the narrator, explains the plan for the murder. The narrator destroys the humans around him through his destructive mind. The reason for the murder is revenge and hatred. In â€Å"Cask of Amontillado†and â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†Poe utilized â€Å"unreliable na rrators,†he even created similarities between murder and victim to establishRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe1492 Words  | 6 Pages McMullen 531-06 1 September 2014 Summer Reading The Cask of Amontillado In The Cask of Amontillado, by Edgar Allen Poe, Montressor is able to successfully manipulate Fortunato s arrogance and pride and use it against him as revenge. Montressor knows that Fortunato has a love for wine. Montressor tells Fortunato that he may have acquired Amontillado, a very nice wine. Montressor is not quite sure if the wine is Amontillado, but since Fotunato appears to be occupied Montressor saysRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe1723 Words  | 7 Pages Were Montresor’s action in The Cask of Amontillado justified? Is killing someone justifiable? In Edgar Allen Poe’s short story The Cask of Amontillado that question is one that could be asked. The short story is about a man named Montresor and his quest to get revenge on his foe Fourtando who has apparently insulted Montresor. Around the time of the carnival season Montresor leaves his house to go find Fourtando and get his revenge he tells none of his servants toRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado, By Edgar Allen Poe884 Words  | 4 PagesIn â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado,†by Edgar Allen Poe, one finds the horror throughout its pages. The ideas of unexplained revenge and images of scenes only getting darker and colder cause one to have feelings of dread and disbelief. The protagonist, Montresor, has waited fifty years to tell his story, and one has to question the reliability of what he is saying. Questions of true justice and the power of an insult arise, only magnifying those ideas of horror. In â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado ,†one sees a
Monday, December 9, 2019
Nursing Far Reaching Profession
Question: Discuss about the Nursingfor Far Reaching Profession. Answer: Introduction It is worth noting that nursing is a far-reaching profession that needs to be accorded much attention. The health sector majorly entails issues regarding the patient thus codes of ethics should be observed at all time. The reason as to why standards should be found is because patients have their right that needs to be taken care of for the well being of their health. Nursing for a long time had been faced with challenges of ethical concerns that have led to patients feeling insecure in front of the Medicare providers who are believed to provide the best healthcare. Also, the professional codes of ethics, theories, and position statements are crucial to the nursing department in understanding their personal roles that are to be executed with or without being monitored. Specifically, the case of Kamil Samra, the physiotherapist is more or less the same with the codes of ethics nurses require to embrace. The fact that Samra can witness the use of banned performance-enhancing drugs by the players and the huge amount of cash to be issued to him by the club management to keep silence on the issue creates a great commotion to the nursing department. Worse still Kamil has the responsibility of taking care of his old parents back in Lebanon, therefore, leading to an ethical dilemma. Therefore in-depth analysis of ethics of nurses on the case of Kamil Samra is bound to provide a green light to the subject. Egan, McElmurry and Jameson (1981) postulate that professional codes of ethics governing the nurses dictate that nurses should highly value the quality of services they give to all the people. This case has it that nurses are supposed to be accountable for their actions in delivering real services to the patients. In this connection, they are expected to enhance excellent services provision by dictating the right medication to the patients according to the prescriptions emanating from the conditions of the patient's health. There have emerged cases where nurses are reported to provide wrong medication to the patients who end up killing them or weakening them further (Bekemeier Butterfield, 2005). This issue arises mostly due to ignorance and lack of competent Medicare. Therefore, to suit their skills and knowledge, nurses should be in the forefront to ensuring that patients receive best of their services. To add on that, nurses are entitled to firmly refuse to participate in the hea lth treatments that according to their standard of the profession are morally or religiously accepted. For the case of Kamil, players are provided with performance enhancement drugs, peptides that are supported by the club the coaching staff. According to rules and principles that guide the nurses, Kamil is aware of health complications that might arise to the players due to the continued use of those drugs. Therefore, despite the fact that Samra is to be offered with large sums of money to keep silent on the issue, he directly breaks the law by standing on health grounds that are morally unacceptable. For sure he has the burden of checking his aging parents in Lebanon but that becomes a weak or else vague ideology as far as health of involved people is concerned. Therefore, Kamil should tirelessly fight this malpractice to ensure players remain safe and sound. Cesanek, Stetson and Stewart (2010) indicate that nurses are guided by the codes of ethics that illustrate that they should value the diversity of the people. This is another basic guideline that assists the Medicare professionals to exercise their duties in an upright manner. The ethical aspect dictates that each and every nurse should respect the diversity of the patients or the interested parties (Tyer et al., 2009). In connection to that Medicare providers are entitled to acknowledging the values and beliefs of the people they are caring for without hesitating to apply the professional values that govern them. It is true that Kamil has been on contractual terms with the Australian Football League (AFL), yet he is a Lebanon native. It is expected of the club management to convince Samra to silence on the issue of drugs use because he is a foreigner and should not tamper with the activities of Australian people. That means, according to the club, he should accept the offer and deem the case closed. For certain nursing profession follows similar guidelines and undertakings that shape the healthcare providers to fit in all spheres of life. According to Mateu (2006), understanding the language, beliefs, and perceptions of people is critical, but to some extent, it is illogical to allow immorality to thrive on nationality and cultures of individuals. Hence, Kamil should try as much as he can to stop the vice irrespective of where he comes from and the vague beliefs of people which are ethically wrong. The codes of ethics guiding the nursing department dictates that nurses should value kindness and respect for self and others. This means that if nurses recognize their personal ethical values, it is also possible for them to comply with the value for others. In simple terms, Medicare providers should, first of all, accept that they are humans and the services they extend to the patients are just and fair in case the same treatments are provided to them in return (Berger, 2003). This issue becomes important because you cannot respect and show kindnesses to others if at all those values do not feature in yourself. Kindness and respect among the patients and Medicare providers create a good relationship that boosts healthcare provision to greater heights. Kamil Samra is a medical professional who apparently understands the dangers of consuming the banned peptides in the name of improving the performance of the players. Therefore, it is his responsibility to show kindness to the victims and teach caution the club management about the dangers of consuming the Thymosin beta-4 drugs. By doing so, he is directly saving portraying respect and kindness to the players by forming a good background for their current and future lives. Ideally, nurses are guided by ethical practice that indicates that they should value informed decision making. These Medicare providers in several circumstances are faced with the challenge of decision making specifically due to the existence of severe patients or relatives who dictate for the nurses on the steps to be taken for their patient (Mohr, 1995). This restriction of decision making is not concrete enough to render the health care provider weak to neglect decision making in contrary to the appropriate ethical guidelines. This means that there is a need for further verification of the information provided to the nurses by the relatives of the ill person or other related parties. This takes care of the future implications to the victims in case decision-making platform not tolerated. Similarly, nurses are not entitled to work under pressure in a manner that would lead to poor decision making. Therefore, coercion and unnecessary convictions should be eliminated for the provisio n of quality health services at all time (Moxham, 2012). Kamil Samra is seen to be confused because of getting himself in a serious dilemma that is bound to weaken his decision making capability. As a professional, he should make his decision concerning the use of peptides about the stated norms and principles of the nursing career. Consequently, if his decision to condemn the use of performance enhancing drugs is just, no one else should divert his reasoning from the truth. Different ethical theories pertaining nursing profession exist. Consequentialism posits that the right moral response is directly connected to consequence or outcome of the act (Duke Northam, 2009). This implies that the soundness of any action taken by the Medicare provider towards the patient or the related person is determined by the results of that particular action. For instance, Kamil quest to have the drugs banned out of the playground can only be realized by the club management after the players are motivated to play and win matches without boosting themselves with the peptides. Also, by taking corrective measures related to the drug introduction to the players, Kamil will be offering the victims an opportunity to express themselves, therefore, leading to a conducive environment for everyone. Deontology is related to the respect and rights, and duties that see individuals as ends in themselves (Robinson, 2003). It majorly focuses on intentions, rules, and obligations of pers ons. This theory in one way or the other directs someone towards doing the right thing. Conversely, it is immoral to follow the rules and be constrained to own obligations without questioning some activities by the delegated authority. Kamil understands that he is under the AFL management and this might reduce him to nothing because he is a minor character. In light of this theory, it is critical move break the bounds and act according to the rules guiding nursing profession. His obligation as a physiotherapist should reflect a genuine meaning of his job irrespective of prevailing external forces. Virtues are the value that one portrays while carrying out daily proceedings. The nursing department requires the Medicare providers to enhance the high level of positive attributes that determine the performance of their activities (Tarnow Butcher, 2005). Samra should respond to the drugs concern by ensuring that he displays virtues of honesty and kindness by claiming justice for the players. The principlism is another important ethical aspect in healthcare. It highlights justice, beneficence, autonomy and non-malificence all of which are moral principles. By portraying such noble elements, there is compatibility of individual, religious and societal beliefs. The principal is crucial to the Kamil case as fighting for the rights of the players will ensure justice is sought. Additionally, anti-doping rule will be followed to the latter hence ensuring just productivity of the participants. There exist legal considerations that healthcare providers must meet, failure to which severe penalties are borne by the involved individuals. According to Boutain (2005), Civil and criminal law address the issue of misconduct by the nurse to society or an individual. In this case, there are somber consequences that befall the culprits such as imprisonment and hefty fines. Further research done by Carpenito (2006), criminal activity undertaken by a particular nurse is highlighted as morally wrong, and it is prohibited by the law. This mostly happens due to the presence of negligent nurses who care less about the welfare of the patients. Mostly, these rare but severe cases are promoted through corruption whereby incompetent healthcare providers are absorbed into the public health sector. According to Grant and Vecchione (2011), there have been reported cases of doctor and nurses who give wrong medication to the patients hence affecting their physiological makeup and most probably caus ing death. In some instances, nurses are permitted to carry out minor operations such as midwifery, ending up causing unnecessary wounds to the patients. Traynor (2006) posits that civil law concentrates much on the duties and rights of private persons. It is against the law to interfere with the health of a sound person since this might bring in complications due to unwanted stimulation of body system by the drugs. By admitting the offer, Kamil Samra will be going against the law and principles guiding the nursing association. This is because the health of the players is sound therefore introducing performance boosting drugs will do more harm than good to the associated individuals. Again it is against the anti-doping rule of sports authority to exercise drug stimulation intake. According to Fowler (2016), it is unfair to integrate drug usage in the world of sports due to the many consequences attached to the practice. This paves the way for undeserved wins for the drug using team against a transparent team that has been investing heavily in the physical exercise arena. On the other hand, there might be losses to the team that makes use of the peptides due to the injuries they might cause to their opponents. This is biologically explained in that our bodies tend to overreact on the drugs thereby leading to the abnormality that influences our modes of behavior. Incase drug testing is done; the team might be suspended from participating in any of the sports whether local or international. By doing so, the lives of players who solely get their daily bread from sporting are put at risk. Therefore, it is wise for Samra to deny the offer for bettering the lives of his players. By treating the ill protagonists, Kamil is being paid, and that money can be used to nurture the aging parents thereby it makes no sense to allow some atrocities to happen in the name of big money. Conclusively, professional codes of ethics, concepts, and principles regarding the nursing profession have effectively been discussed. In light of values and other concerning revolving around the nursing department, it is crucial for every Medicare business to adhere to principles and personal reasoning aimed at bettering the lives of patients and other concerned people. The case of Kamil Samra has been analyzed therefore serving as an eye-opener to those nursing students who are preparing to exercise their skills in different career fields. In short moral behaviors should be enhanced at all time. References Bekemeier, B., Butterfield, P. (2005). Unreconciled inconsistencies: A critical review of the concept of social justice in 3 national nursing documents.Advances in Nursing Science,28(2), 152-162. Berger, J. T. (2003). Ethical challenges of partial do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders: placing DNR orders in the context of a life-threatening conditions care plan.Archives of internal medicine,163(19), 2270-2275. Boutain, D. (2005). Social justice in nursing: A review of literature.Caring for the vulnerable, 21-29. Carpenito-Moyet, L. J. (Ed.). (2006).Nursing diagnosis: Application to clinical practice. Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Cesanek, M., Stetson, B., Stewart, S. (2010). Philosophy Statements Nursing.Philosophy. Duke, G. J., Northam, S. (2009). Discrepancies among physicians regarding knowledge, attitudes, and practices in end-of-life care.Journal of Hospice Palliative Nursing,11(1), 52-59. Egan, E. C., McElmurry, B. J., Jameson, H. M. (1981). Practice-based research: assessing your department's readiness.Journal of Nursing Administration,11(10), 26-32. Fowler, M. D. (2016). Nursing's Code of Ethics, Social Ethics, and Social Policy.Hastings Center Report,46(S1). Grant, P. D., Vecchione, J. J. (2011). Laws governing the workplace.Law For Nurse Leaders: A Comprehensive Reference, 105. Mateu, B. M. (2006). Advance statements: legal and ethical implications.Nursing standard,21(2), 41-45. Mohr, W. K. (1995). Values, ideologies, and dilemmas: Professional and occupational contradictions.Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services,33(1), 29-34. Moxham, L. (2012). Nurse education, research and evidence-based practice. Robinson, R. (2003). Ethical analysis.Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing,22(2), 71-75. Tarnow, K. G., Butcher, H. K. (2005). Teaching the art of professional nursing in the learning laboratory.Annual review of nursing education,3, 375-392. Traynor, M. (2006). Discourse analysis: theoretical and historical overview and review of papers in the Journal of Advanced Nursing 19962004.Journal of advanced nursing,54(1), 62-72. Tyer-Viola, L., Nicholas, P. K., Corless, I. B., Barry, D. M., Hoyt, P., Fitzpatrick, J. J., Davis, S. M. (2009). Social responsibility of nursing: a global perspective.Policy, Politics, Nursing Practice,10(2), 110-118.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Sociology and Answer Essay Example
Sociology and Answer Paper 1. Sociological Perspective Sociology is defined as: | a. | the methodological analysis of groups and individuals. | | | b. | the scientific analysis of premodern people. | | | c. | the academic discipline that examines individual human behavior. | | | d. | the systematic study of human society and social interaction. | | | status: not answered () correct: d your answer: | 2| According to sociologist C. Wright Mills, the ability to see the relationship between individual experiences and the larger society is referred to as: | a. | the reality perception. | | | b. | the sociological imagination. | | | c. | the conflict perception. | | | d. the symbolic interaction approach. | | | status: not answered () correct: b your answer: | 3| French philosopher ________ is credited with having coined the term sociology to describe a new science that would engage in the study of society. | a. | Emile Durkheim| | | b. | Herbert Spencer| | | c. | Max Weber| | | d. | Auguste Comte| | | status: not answered () correct: d your answer: | 4| In Society in America, ________ examined religion, politics, child rearing, slavery, and immigration to the United States, paying special attention to social distinctions based on class, race, and gender. | a. | Harriet Martineau| | | b. | Auguste Comte| | c. | Jane Addams| | | d. | Herbert Spencer| | | status: not answered () correct: a your answer: | 5| French sociologist Emile Durkheim observed that rapid social change and a more specialized division of labor produce strain in society; these strains lead to a breakdown in traditional organization, values, and authority and to a dramatic increase in: | a. | cultural conflict. | | | b. | social disorganization. | | | c. | anomie. | | | d. | social solidarity. | | | status: not answered () correct: c your answer: | 6| This German economist and philosopher stressed that history is a continuous clash between conflicting ideas and forces . He believed that class conflict is necessary in order to produce social change and a better society. | a. | Karl Marx| | | b. | Frederick Schmidt| | | c. | Max Weber| | | d. | Emile Durkheim| | | status: not answered () correct: a your answer: | 7| The first department of sociology in the United States was established ________, where the faculty was instrumental in starting the American Sociological Society (now known as the American Sociological Association). | a. | at Harvard University| | | b. | at the University of Chicago| | | c. | at Yale University| | | d. | at the University of California at Berkeley| | | status: not answered () orrect: b your answer: | 8| ________ perspectives are based on the assumption that society is a stable, orderly system. | a. | Conflict| | | b. | Functionalist| | | c. | Interactionist| | | d. | Developmental| | | status: not answered () correct: b your answer: | 9| Debbie is interested in how changes in society are related to homelessness. She is examining how the movement of factory jobs from the United States to overseas locations has contributed to the increase in the number of homeless people. Debbie is conducting a: | a. | macrolevel analysis. | | | b. | microlevel analysis. | | | c. | mesolevel analysis. | | d. | transactional-level analysis. | | | status: not answered () correct: a your answer: | 10| Sociologists applying a ________ framework to the study of consumerism would primarily focus on a microlevel analysis of peoples face-to-face interactions. | a. | functionalist| | | b. | conflict| | | c. | symbolic interactionist| | | d. | postmodern| | | status: not answered () correct: c your answer: | 2. Sociological Research Methods Sociologists obtain their knowledge of human behavior through ________, which results in a body of information that helps us move beyond guesswork and common sense in understanding society. a. | commonsense ideas| | | b. | research| | | c. | myths| | | d. | scientific laws| | | status: not answered () correct: b your answer: | 2| A trademark of sociology involves the unmasking of fallacies in the everyday and official interpretations of society. This process is called: | a. | debunking. | | | b. | reformative. | | | c. | demystifying. | | | d. | deductive reasoning. | | | status: not answered () correct: a your answer: | 3| The relationship between theory and research has been referred to as a continuous cycle. The theory and research cycle consists of two approaches. We will write a custom essay sample on Sociology and Answer specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sociology and Answer specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sociology and Answer specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In the ________ approach, the researcher begins with a theory and uses research to test the theory. | a. | normative| | | b. | inductive| | | c. | deductive| | | d. | explanatory| | | status: not answered () correct: c your answer: | 4| Researchers in one study examined the effects of church membership, divorce, and migration on suicide rates in the United States and concluded that suicide rates are typically higher where divorce and migration rates are higher and church membership is lower. This is a(n) example of ________. | a. | quantitative research| | | b. | observational research| | | c. | qualitative research| | d. | explanatory research| | | status: not answered () correct: a your answer: | 5| ________ are the abstract elements representing some aspect of the world in simplified form (such as social integration or loneliness). | a. | Operational definitions| | | b. | Principles| | | c. | Theories| | | d. | Concepts| | | status: not answered () co rrect: d your answer: | 6| Suppose that your goal is to earn an A in this sociology course. Your professor may have created a(n) ________, by specifying an A as earning a test average of 90 percent or above. | a. | qualitative variable| | | b. | statement of correlation| | c. | interpretative statement| | | d. | operational definition| | | status: not answered () correct: d your answer: | 7| As a researcher, you must decide which population persons about whom you want to be able to draw conclusions will be observed or questioned. In ________, every member of an entire population being studied has the same chance of being selected. | a. | probability sampling| | | b. | scattered sampling| | | c. | random sampling| | | d. | rotational sampling| | | status: not answered () correct: c your answer: | 8| ________ research is likely to be used when the research question does ot easily lend itself to numbers and statistical methods. | a. | Formulation| | | b. | Quantitative| | | c. | Conventional| | | d. | Qualitative| | | status: not answered () correct: d your answer: | 9| Self-administered questionnaires have certain strengths. Which of the following was not identified as a strength of self-administered questionnaires? | a. | They are relatively simple and inexpensive to administer. | | | b. | They have a very high response rate. | | | c. | They allow for rapid data collection and analysis. | | | d. | They permit respondents to remain anonymous. | | | status: not answered () correct: b our answer: | 10| The American Sociological Association requires that sociologists adhere to all of the following, except: | a. | researchers are allowed to use any means necessary in conducting their research projects. | | | b. | researchers must maintain objectivity and integrity in their research findings by disclosing the findings even if they do not support their views. | | | c. | researchers must protect confident ial information provided by their participants. | | | d. | researchers must acknowledge research collaboration and assistance they receive from others and disclose all sources of financial support. | | | tatus: not answered () correct: a your answer: | 3. Culture ________ is the knowledge, language, values, customs, and material objects that are passed from person to person and from one generation to the next in a human group or society. | a. | Social organization| | | b. | Society| | | c. | Technology| | | d. | Culture| | | status: not answered () correct: d your answer: | 2| Sociologists define ________ as the knowledge, techniques, and tools that make it possible for people to transform resources into usable forms, and the knowledge and skills required to use them after they are developed. | a. | industrialization| | b. | technology| | | c. | material culture| | | d. | cybernetics| | | status: not answered () correct: b your answer: | 3| All of the following statements regarding cultural universals are true, except: | a. | cultural universals include appearance, activities, social institutions, and customary practices. | | | b. | some customs and practices are found in all cultures. | | | c. | the specific forms of cultural universals vary from one group to another and from one time to another within the same group. | | | d. | sociologists are in agreement that cultural universals are the result of functional necessity. | | | tatus: not answered () correct: d your answer: | 4| From the ________ perspective, a shared language is essential to a common culture; language is a stabilizing force in society. | a. | postmodernist| | | b. | conflict| | | c. | symbolic interactionist| | | d. | functionalist| | | status: not answered () correct: d your answer: | 5| According to sociologist Robin Williams, a belief in the idea that the American way of life is best illustrates the core value of ________. | a . | racism and group superiority| | | b. | equality| | | c. | progress and material comfort| | | d. | freedom and liberty| | | status: not answered () orrect: a your answer: | 6| Eric is attending classes at the local college. He believes in the idea of success, but he does not spend as much time as he could studying to achieve a higher grade point average. His behavior is an example of ________ culture. | a. | universal| | | b. | ideal| | | c. | material| | | d. | real| | | status: not answered () correct: d your answer: | 7| Values provide ideals or beliefs about behavior but do not state explicitly how we should behave. ________ are established rules of behavior or standards of conduct. | a. | Sanctions| | | b. | Norms| | | c. | Folkways| | | d. | Mores| | | tatus: not answered () correct: b your answer: | 8| All parts of culture do not change at the same pace. Sociologist William Ogburn referred to this disparity as ________, a gap between the technical development of a society and its moral and legal institutions. | a. | cultural division| | | b. | cultural diffusion| | | c. | cultural leveling| | | d. | cultural lag| | | status: not answered () correct: d your answer: | 9| The popularity of pinatas in China, Italy, Spain, Mexico, the United States, and other nations is an example of: | a. | cultural diversity. | | | b. | cultural discovery. | | | c. | cultural diffusion. | | d. | cultural lag. | | | status: not answered () correct: c your answer: | 10| During the Olympic Games, the spirits of nationalism and patriotism encourage people to think of their own nation as the best. This illustrates the principle of: | a. | self-centeredness. | | | b. | ethnocentrism. | | | c. | authoritarianism. | | | d. | cultural relativism. | | | status: not answered () correct: b your answer: | 4. Socialization ________ is the lifelong process of social interaction through which individuals acquire a self-identity and the physical, mental, and social skills needed for survival in society. a. | Acculturation| | | b. | Reification| | | c. | Self-representation| | | d. | Socialization| | | status: not answered () correct: d your answer: | 2| The case of Genie, an isolated child, illustrates that: | a. | children who have experienced extreme isolation do not live long enough to reach adulthood. | | | b. | isolated children actually can recover quickly from any physical damages. | | | c. | children who experience social isolation and neglect may be defined as retarded when they reach adulthood. | | | d. | with proper therapy, children who have been isolated can become a part of the mainstream. | | status: not answered () correct: c your answer: | 3| The basic assumption in ________ psychoanalytic approach is that human behavior and personality originate from unconscious forces within individuals. | a. | George Herbert Meads| | | b. | Jean Piagets| | | c. | Si gmund Freuds| | | d. | Charles Horton Cooleys| | | status: not answered () correct: c your answer: | 4| Drawing from psychologist Sigmund Freuds theory, ________ identified eight psychosocial stages of development, reasoning that each stage is accompanied by a crisis or potential crisis that involves transitions in social relationships. a. | George Herbert Mead| | | b. | Jean Piaget| | | c. | Charles Horton Cooley| | | d. | Erik Erikson| | | status: not answered () correct: d your answer: | 5| In order to assess womens stages of moral development, Carol Gilligan conducted a study of pregnant women who were contemplating having an abortion. According to Gilligan, women in the first stage of moral development were primarily motivated by: | a. | a desire to do what is best for themselves and for others. | | | b. | their responsibility to others. | | | c. | selfish concerns. | | | d. | anger. | | | status: not answered () orrect: c your answer: | 6| F our components make up our self-concept: the active self is best reflected in which of the following? | a. | I am good at soccer. | | | b. | I am nice to others. | | | c. | I am tall. | | | d. | I believe in world peace. | | | status: not answered () correct: a your answer: | 7| George Herbert Meads concept of the ________ refers to the childs awareness of the demands and expectations of the society as a whole or of the childs subculture. | a. | secondary other| | | b. | generalized other| | | c. | perceived other| | | d. | significant other| | status: not answered () correct: b your answer: | 8| According to psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner, in the ________, a child is engaged in immediate face-to-face interactions with the childs parents, siblings, and other immediate family members. | a. | macrosystem| | | b. | exosystem| | | c. | microsystem| | | d. | mesosystem| | | status: not answered () correct: c your answer: | 9| In the ________ pe rspective, when we examine the context in which family life takes place, we see that grandparents and other relatives have a strong influence on how parents socialize their children. In turn, the childrens behavior may have an effect on how parents, siblings, and grandparents get along with one another. | a. | conflict| | | b. | functionalist| | | c. | postmodern| | | d. | symbolic interactionist| | | status: not answered () correct: d your answer: | 10| ________ is the aspect of socialization that contains specific messages and practices concerning the nature of being female or male in a specific group or society. | a. | Gender socialization| | | b. | Cultural acquisition| | | c. | Developmental maturation| | | d. | Exchange theory| | | status: not answered () correct: a your answer: |
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Twelfth Night is Olivia Essays
Twelfth Night is Olivia Essays Twelfth Night is Olivia Paper Twelfth Night is Olivia Paper Essay Topic: Twelfth Night Another strong female character in Twelfth Night is Olivia. She is an intelligent character of court, a woman of independence and of property after her father left his possessions to her brother, and then she in turn inherited them from him. However when she marries, according to social aspects of that era, her husband will gain all of that power. She is also the object of desire from Orsino, Sir Andrew, Malvolio and eventually Sebastian. At the beginning of the play, Olivia is a cloistress in mourning for her brother, and shows excessive melancholy and extravagance that parallels Orsino. Both characters are steeped in the melancholy of sentimental love to the point of being blinded by it and both suffer from the complexities of love. But Orsino takes a passive approach to the pursuit of love, in the way that he sends Cesario to pursue Olivia, whereas Olivia takes a more active role. However, Olivias attempts to be reclusive seem to be more posturing than actual mourning, and this is another way in which appearances are deceptive, as Olivia soon transforms, removing her veil and asking Cesario Ist not well done? Although Olivia can be seen as a typical cultural construction of femininity, she transgresses that role and shows impetuosity in the way that she relentlessly pursues Cesario. In Elizabethan times, women could not be seen to be chasing men as it gave women wantonness, similarly the Bible was thought to be factual, and Adam created Eve for him, not the other way around. Olivia however appears to recognize that she oversteps the rules of conduct: Have you not set mine honor at the stake? Even though Olivia steps out of her assigned sociohistorical position, she later steps back into it by marrying Sebastian to provide the Jacobian audience with closure. She is worldly wise in the way that she knows how money can win somebody over I thank you for your pains: spend this for me she says to Cesario, and she also has a good relationship with Feste the jester, albeit occasionally scolding him for being out of line, she seems to enjoy and find amusing his witty repartee. Although she is undoubtedly intelligent, she shows fickleness in the way that she swaps Cesario for Sebastian, and this also is similar to the inconstancy of Orsino. Through Orsino, Shakespeare criticizes women For women are as roses, whose fair flower / Being once displayd, doth fall that very hour, and the impermanence of womens beauty. Although Olivia seems to dislike Malvolio at times O, you are sick of self-love, Malvolio, and taste with a distemperd appetite. she displays compassion and kindness in the way that she attempts to bring him back into the wedding society. This sentimentality is seen in many of Shakespeares portrayals of women, and is similar to the way in which Maria is presented. Maria is Olivias lady in waiting, and is a character who balances the household. She tolerates Sir Andrew and Sir Tobys folly, yet doesnt hesitate to scold them when she feels it has gone too far. Sir Toby and Maria are having an affair, and Sir Toby boasts that she adores him. Maria is the character who single-handedly thinks up the plot to gull Malvolio, and in doing so gains the admiration of the male characters, Sir Toby says O, twill be admirable of the plan. She is a literary construct who embodies some of Shakespeares main ideas and themes. She can also be seen as some of Shakespeares praise of women, as in letting a female character be so intelligent, witty and quick-minded, Shakespeare is giving women qualities that were scarcely seen to exist in Elizabethan England.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Truth or Fiction 11 Biggest Fears About College
Truth or Fiction 11 Biggest Fears About College There’s really no fiction involved when it comes to the legitimate fears that current and aspiring students experience about college. In this article we’re going to get to the truth behind the 11 most common college fears so that you can rest easy and make an informed decision. Sound like a plan? We thought so. Let’s do this. 1. â€Å"I Don’t Know What I Want to Be!†This is by far the most common. Students have no clue what they’ll be doing four, five or six years down the road. They have no clue where the economy will be. The speed of technological innovation is compounding uncertainty like nothing else. What major should they choose? Is it good enough? How will it impact their career? Wait†¦career?! Relax. You don’t have to make a decision from the get-go and many of those who do end up changing their minds anyway. A very tiny percentage of people know what they’re destined to be. That’s a fact. For the first year just get the basic core classes out of the way and while you’re at it do some dabbling (if you can afford it or don’t mind extra debt). Or, you could just hold back from going to college for a little while until you have a better idea. 2. â€Å"I Won’t Know Like Anybody†Social anxiety and fear of not being accepted is common. It follows us everywhere in life beginning in grade school all the way through adulthood. When you step back and look at another way, it looks like this, â€Å"I Won’t Know Freaking Anybody!†That’s right, it’s a chance for a fresh start which is always cool. You’re going to be in college so meeting people is going to happen whether you want it to or not. It’s par for the course so to speak. You’ll meet people. You’ll make friends. You’ll get into relationships. You know†¦life. 3. â€Å"OMG, This is Expensive!†True. Whether you’re paying it with cash upfront (who does that?) or by using a mixture of loans, grants and scholarships. The cost of higher education is inflated by leaps and bounds, over 130% in the last 30 years alone. If you’re worried by how expensive it is, GOOD! Then this should help you fail less classes, take the ones you need as a junior and senior, and make smarter decisions. 4. â€Å"Am I really Ready for This?†The balancing act of priorities during college is meant to prepare you for what it’s like in the â€Å"real world.†So at the end of the day you can’t escape it. Part of growing up is taking on more responsibility and if you’re going to live within society you really can’t go away scot free. Don’t worry, juggling a job, classes and friends is actually an amazing experience. It really is. You’re so productive! You’re in school bettering yourself. You’ve got a social life happening. And, you’re working part/full time so there’s some extra cash laying around. It’s awesome. You’re as ready as you choose to be. No more, no less. 5. â€Å"What if My Roommate Totally Sucks?†You can get a new one. 6. â€Å"What If I Can’t Hack the Classes?†There’s no class you cannot pass. That’s the flat out truth. I don’t care if we’re talking quantum mechanics, organic chemistry or some sort of advanced theoretical astrophysics. If you truly dedicate your mind to passing that class it will happen. Yes, your IQ does determine things to a certain degree. More categorically than anything else. But, we’re all aware of how powerful the human spirit is as well. Don’t fear classes. Don’t fear intellectual challenge. Yes, you can do it. The real question is, â€Å"Do I have the passion it’s going to take to succeed in this major?†7. â€Å"I’m All On My Own.†No you’re not. Not by a long shot bub. 8. â€Å"I Don’t Want to Get Fat!†Getting fat, or being obese isn’t technically a good thing regardless of where you happen to be. That’s life. If you’re worried, make sure to exercise and eat smart (yep, big shocker). 9. â€Å"What if I Lose Touch with Home?†If you’re going to school on the other side of the country or perhaps in the other hemisphere, you’ve got modern technology to keep you connected. It’s not as good as in-person, but it’s working wonders for the human species. Try it! 10. â€Å"What if I Pick the Wrong University?†Hmm. Yeah about that. In all honesty, focus more on the quality of your education rather than the educational institutions themselves. For the lion’s share of us, our potential employers only care about the knowledge and what results we can bring about. If it’s a reputable college you’re going to be fine. Now, if it’s just the flat out wrong university altogether, then don’t stick around for two years before working up the nerve to bug out. If it’s just purely not a good place for you, leave immediately and fine a better school for you. 11. â€Å"What If My Dream School is a Nightmare?†See #10 pretty much, but this does happen. What you thought was the best school ever for your particular goals ends up being a nightmare. Bail! Does that pretty much cover it or are there some fears you have/had about college that we missed? Let us know!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Supplemental Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Supplemental Exercise - Essay Example Visitor’s browser downloads the CSS file just once and re-used the same file for other pages on a site. Dividing style from content makes life very comfortable for visitors who opt to view just the content of a webpage, or to change the content. These could be low sighted people who may use a screen reader to translate a page. Best practice for the use of CSS is creating you HTML first. Most designers develop their CSS all at once they create the HTML. Though it appears logical to develop both at the same time, but in reality you will save more time if you generate the entire HTML prototype first. The reason for using this method is that we recognize all the elements of our website site layout, but we do not know what CSS we’ll need with our design. Developing the HTML layout firstly allows us to visualize the entire webpage as completely, and permits you to think of your CSS in a top-down fashion (Biundo & Enge,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Bribery - Analysis of Articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Bribery - Analysis of Articles - Essay Example At the next level, Segon and Booth (2010) review the literature published on corruption and bribery as business phenomena; their study focuses on correction and bribery in Vietnam but reference is also made to these problems as parts of business operations in other countries internationally – for example Australia and Britain. A different aspect of bribery is examined in the study of Hunt and Laszlo (2009); the above researchers examine the level of bribery in public services of Peru and Uganda aiming to show the difference in the level of bribery between poor and rich people in the particular countries. It is noted that rich people are more likely to bribe compared to poor people; the cost of bribe for the latter seems to be higher – if taking into consideration the fact that poor people have to use almost all of their income when they have to bribe, while in rich people there is no such case. The methods used in the articles under analysis for reviewing and evaluating bribery as a business and social phenomenon, are differentiated. More specifically, the study of Martin, Cullen and Johnson (2007) focuses on the potential influence of national culture on bribery. Data have been gathered from about 4,000 firms internationally aiming to show that bribery can be influenced by culture and by institutional – drivers (Martin, Cullen and Johnson 1401). The characteristics of bribery as a social phenomenon are presented and analyzed; also, the relationship between bribery and the anomie theory is examined. Then, the hypotheses on which the empirical research developed for the study are presented. Finally, the data used for developing the paper are presented and evaluated; these data have been retrieved from the World Bank in 2000 – the sample of the countries participated reached the 80 countries; after using specific variables for choosing the material used in the article, the study’s sample has been reduced approximately by 20% (Ma rtin, Cullen and Johnson 1408). The above data are analyzed using the hierarchical linear modeling. The results of the research are presented using appropriate graphs; also the implications of the research are highlighted aiming to ensure the credibility of the study. The study of Segon and Booth (2010) focuses on the examination of bribery as a phenomenon related to developing economies; in the above study emphasis is given on corruption and bribery as developed in Vietnam and the challenges that managers in firms operating in the particular country have to face because of the above phenomena. The literature referring to corruption and bribery in developing economies is critically reviewed; effort is made so that the causes of corruption and bribery are identify; moreover, the relationship between bribery and national culture is examined. The concepts of culture, corruption and bribery are carefully reviewed – referring to the relevant literature; particular emphasis is give n on bribery and corruption as social and business phenomena in Vietnam. The above study is based solely on literature review – focusing on the issues mentioned above. Hunt and Laszlo (2009) try to identify the cost and benefits of bribery in regard to the income of poor of rich people in Peru and Uganda; in general the article aims to show the level of
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The euro star Essay Example for Free
The euro star Essay The euro star is more than suitable for those with disabilities the Eurostar is Dedicated to providing the highest level of service for all its passengers, the Eurostar terminals at London St Pancras International, Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International, as well as the passenger trains themselves are specially equipped for those who may require additional facilities or services. So to conclude for the Eurostar I would recommend to Parents with children to choose this option over others, however if the customers need a car while in Paris then I would choose a different option, although as the Paris station is in the middle of Disneyland Paris the need for a car isnt likely unless the hotel they are staying in is outside the Disneyland Paris area. Wheelchairs There are 2 designated areas on the train, each for one wheelchair user and companion in Leisure Select (first class), coaches 9 10. They offer the wheelchair user the option to stay in their wheelchair if they wish and must be -8- used if passengers are unable to walk at least 200m unaided. Call for aid buttons are also fitted. Please note that the designated wheelchair spaces are for passengers that have their own wheelchair. A special fare is available for both wheelchair user and companion, please enquire at the time of booking. Special Assistance Special assistance is no longer bookable in advance. Assistance is arranged in person on the day of departure at the assistance desk and is subject to availability. If the passenger thinks they might need help getting to or from the train, they would need to arrive as early as they can (preferably at least 1 hour prior to departure). Guide Dogs Guide dogs are accepted on board, however please note under no other circumstances may animals travel on Eurostar. Disabled toilets with call for aid buttons are available at the departure lounges at London St Pancras, Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International stations and also on the trains themselves in First Class Leisure Select Coaches 9 and 10. And an extra note for the disabled passengers Eurostar Door Widths: Toilet 522mm/Exit Door 850mm/Disabled Toilet 7200mm -9- Euro tunnel Eurotunnel is the company responsible for building the twin railway tunnels under the English Channel linking Britain and France at Folkestone, in Kent and Coquelles, in the Nord Pas-de-Calais. Eurotunnel runs its own shuttle service that carries passengers and their vehicles between Folkestone and Calais. Eurotunnel also charges other rail operators, like Eurostar, to use the Channel Tunnel or Chunnel as we often call it. Eurotunnel operates a fleet of 25 shuttle trains to transport cars, coaches and trucks and their drivers and passengers. Trains run 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There are 3 trains an hour between 06:00-00:00, and 2 trains an hour between midnight and 06:00. The shuttle has now been in operation for over 12 years and since its first commercial services 177 million people have travelled through the Channel Tunnel thats 3 times the population of both France and England! Eurotunnel shuttle timetable Eurotunnel runs 34 shuttle services a day, 7 days a week, both from Calais to Folkestone, and from Folkestone to Calais. Generally, there are 2 services an hour between 06:00-23:00, 1 service an hour between 23:00-01:00 and about 1 service every 2 hours between 01:00-06:00. -10- Journey time between Folkestone and Calais is 35 minutes between 06:00-23:00 and about 45 minutes between 23:00-06:00. The Passengers need to check in at least 30 minutes before your shuttles due departure time. Eurotunnel have a good record for on time departures. Disch:1 Above is where Eurotunnel crosses the English Channel. Eurotunnel is a great way to take your car on holiday with, and as you can see it has great road links to all other parts of Britain. -11- Eurotunnel shuttle fares Eurotunnel has a number of fare options. Prices within one ticket option can vary quite a bit depending on a number of factors, such as how long you book in advance, what type of vehicle youre taking and how long youre staying. Standard car fare The average standard fare for a car up to 1. 85 meters high is i 49-i 75 one way. Note that standard fares are significantly more expensive if booked at short notice. The price includes the car and all its passengers. The number of passengers can be any number up to the maximum the car can legally carry. Motorcycles: fares are around Registered guide dogs travel free So this could be the ideal way to travel for anyone with difficulties with their sight, also this could be ideal for people travelling on big trips, such as school trips as the Eurotunnel has sufficient facilities to take coaches on, and as part of primary research I have actually been on a coach in the Eurotunnel and I thought it was a good way to travel and was easy and quick. Although its not as direct as the Eurostar, as the customer will have to drive from Calais to Disneyland Paris but it is made easy to get to Disneyland Paris as the passenger can take their car with them, as well as there being taxis available form Calais. The picture above shows the different leaving points in the south coast of England, to the different locations in France in which you can travel to. The most probable route for passengers from Maldon would be Dover to Calais. -13- http://www. seafrance. com/cs/Satellite/uk/ferry-dover-calais/itinerary-to-dover? packedargs=site%3DSF_Pax_Uk the purple route is the best route, for travellers from Maldon, from Maldon to Dover, the travellers can either go by car or get a taxi there, but obviously you can take your car on the ferry or, like the Eurotunnel, if the travellers are on a coach trip the ferry is accessible for coaches so the ferry could be perfect for school trips, and what separates a ferry from the Eurotunnel is that the passengers can walk around on board and visit restaurants, shops, bars, and arcades. There is also chilled out areas with comfortable seating, so for passengers travelling on business, can chill with a drink and if wanted can get on with some work in a calm environment. If the Traveller chose to use Sea France, and are driving a vehicle When they arrive at the port of Dover, theyll need to go through immigration and customs so this emphasizes the safety of the ferry. Then they just need to simply follow the signs to the Sea France check-in booths where a member of the Sea France team will process their booking and give them a lane number. Go to the car lanes and wait until youre invited to come aboard. Once onboard, the Sea France team will direct you on the car deck. Also when parking their car, they will reminded to make sure to leave the handbrake on. They will also be reminded to bring everything they want for the journey with them to the passenger areas, because access to the car decks is not permitted during the crossing. If theyre travelling with a pet then Sea France might be the company to use for crossing however it will need to stay in the vehicle during the crossing. It is also easy to make a note of where your car is parked, so the travelers can find it easily when its time to disembark. Passengers travelling by bicycle will also be able to travel by Sea France but will need to walk their bike up the ramp on to the ship. And For their safety, please be careful when leaving your cycle on the car decks and follow the crews instructions. For those passengers with sight difficulties then they could choose Sea France as If youll be accompanied by a guide dog or assistance dog they are welcome to come aboard with you free of charge. So to conclude the ferry would be good again for school trips, and possibly parents with children as the children will have enough stuff to do on the ferry to keep them preoccupied. Also this is the luxury option for those who need a car, bus or bicycle in France to travel around, as you can obviously take your vehicle with you.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Major League Baseball Salaries and the Economic Effect Competition and
Major League Baseball Salaries and the Economic Effect Competition and the Consumer As long has there has been business, Management and Labor have warred against each other for a bigger piece of the pie. Major League Baseball is no different. In the early years of professional baseball the owners controlled the salaries of the players and decided where they could play and what they would be paid. The players were bound to their team by the Reserve Clause that stated, the services of a player will be reserved exclusively for that team for the next season. This resulted in keeping the player’s salaries artificially low because the players were not allowed to offer their services to any other team. The Reserve Clause was in effect for more than One Hundred years of baseball history. It was challenged several times but the owners had won every time, until in 1970 when the St. Louis Cardinals traded outfielder Curt Flood to the Philadelphia Phillies. Flood refused to play for the Phillies and sued to become a free-agent. Flood’s case was in court for severa l years going all the way to the Supreme Court. He was never able to play in the Major League again. While he did not win his case, he laid the groundwork for a later case that involved two pitchers, Andy Messersmith and Dave McNally who filed a grievance against the league contending that, because they didn't sign contracts with their previous teams they were free agents. The owners and the Players Association agreed to submit to binding, impartial, arbitration in order to settle this case. On December 23, 1975 the arbitrator Peter Seitz ruled in favor of the players and the Reserve Clause was broken, and the era of free agency began in the Major Leagues. In 1976 when free agency began the average player salary was only $52 thousand dollars, but it has increased steadily ever since. By 1990 the average salary for a Major League Baseball player had risen to $589 thousand dollars. This Year baseball will start the 2001 season with an average player salary of more than $2 million, abo ut 40 times higher than the typical wage in 1976 when free agency began. Average Major League Player Salaries 1976-2000 Year Average Increase/decrease Median1976 $52,300 --- *1977 74,000 41.49% ... ... _ap/ 19. 2000 Major League Baseball Salaries: USA Today. May 1, 2000. Arlington, VA. 20. 1999-2000 Major League Baseball Team and Player Salaries: Aug 31, 2000. Chicago, IL. bl_teams_9900.htm 21. Final 2000 Payroll Figures: Nov 21, 2000. Atlanta, GA. 22. History of Highest Paid Players: Jan 15, 1999. Bristol, CT. 23. Highest Salaries: Dec 11, 2000. Atlanta, GA. _ap/ 24. Franchise Values: The Hartford Courant. May 29, 2000. Hartford, CT. 25. 2000 MLB Team Payrolls: Aug 31, 2000. Chicago, IL. 26. MLB Player Extend Collective Bargaining Agreement: Aug 29, 2000. Chicago IL.†¦/bl082900news.htm
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
English Commentary – Maiden Voyage
The prescribed passage, Maiden Voyage from Denton Welch’s novel is rich in action and suspense. Several literary devices are employed by the author to create such an appealing effect. The first person narrative is introduced in the first line of this passage and is very important throughout the prose, especially when the protagonist encounters the decapitated head. The narrative style enhances the sensations of utter surprise and horror by describing the experience in a more personal viewpoint. Simple descriptions such as â€Å"I stared into its raw eye-sockets until waves of sickness spread over me. Then I ran’’ enhances the disgust of the scene for the reader, and such feelings can only by the protagonist, which is why first-person view-point is made very effective here. The setting plays a big role in this passage, especially in the lines leading up the climax point of discovering the head. Welch describes everything as being ‘’still and silent,’’ and along with the aid of the line ‘’ Harsh spears of grass stuck up through the sand. The soles of my shoes began to burn and I looked round vainly for some shady place. ’’ the reader begins to envision a serene but hot afternoon setting, although this slowly alters towards the eerie when it is revealed that the wind is the only sound. It gives the impression that as if the place is deserted. Mr Welch also spends considerable time describing the setting of the house that the protagonist was staying in before leaving to venture outside. There is sense of confinement as if the protagonist is trapped in the house and is being held back against his own will thus the word – ‘’imprisonment,’’ . The contents of the house is simple for example ‘’moth-eaten’’ worn out balls and the â€Å"old tennis racket†were the only objects lying in the hall for entertainment. The sombre setting as described by Mr Welch would allow the reader to understand the ardent desire of the protagonist to leave the villa and explore the surroundings. Welch’s usage of diction is also very successful in this passage. By describing the flies as with the simile ‘’buzzing like dynamos,’’ Welsh enhances the disgust the protagonist encountered at the scene. When the protagonist finally realises what the object that appeared to cat crouching in the middle of the road actually was, Welch describes the protagonist reaction as awaking (‘’my numbed senses suddenly awoke again’’), This gives the impression that she is shocked by how only then she realised what the object really was, hence the line â€Å"I stared into its raw eye-sockets until waves of sickness spread over me. Then I ran†. However, the words used to describe the decapitated head stand out the most in this passage, as they are well applied to convey repulsion. ’Shrivelled lips,’’ ‘’ coarse hairs growing out of its ears,’’ ‘’raw eye-sockets’’ as well as the simile ‘’old white teeth stood up like ninepins in the dark’’ all portray intense repulsion, to the extent of invoking nausea to the reader. The shock to the reader upon the revelation that t he object is a human head is heightened by the fact that the protagonist initially thought it was a cat lying in the middle of the road which to the actual object seems to be a contrasting and innocent suggestions. After seeing the head the protagonist decides to run for safety along the bare hills maybe he has realised the meaning of the line Mr Butler said earlier – ‘’Foreigners are not very popular here, so I don’t think you ought to go out alone. ’’ This would enhance the sense of peril towards the protagonist herself, thus making him suddenly fear for his life. The irony in the final passages is clearly evident. The protagonist wants nothing more than to return to the house (‘’my only idea was to get back to the house’’) however, not too long ago she was desperate to leave the house. There is suspense at the end of the passage as the protagonist still feels in harm’s way as he turns desperate in his attempt to find safety (â€Å"I began to feel desperate†). This is also emphasised by the short sentence ‘’I was wondering if I could climb up to it in any way. I knew that I could not. ’’ This passage is effectively portrayed by Denton Welch to entice the reader to immerse the reader into the story. The reader is provided with the means to do this by first-person narrative, ample descriptions to depict the scenario, as well as the usage of various literary tools.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Interpreting the First Amendment of the Constitution Essay
The notion of being free to choose whatever religion a citizen wants to posses is notoriously known to be a liberty dictated by the first amendment. â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,†(A-18 Brinkley) are the famous words of the constitution. Yet, this same law also states that the legislative branch of the U. S. government does not have the authority to favor one religion over the other. In fact, it dictates that the government must remain secular when it comes to the affairs of religion as it cannot respect any one particular religion over another. Thus, there can never be a national religion, an American version of the Anglican Church, as it would hinder the government from preserving the freedom to choose between religions. The other liberties guaranteed by this amendment were the rights of speech, the press, â€Å"or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and petition the Government for a redress of grievances†(A-18 Brinkley). These are all liberties that allow for the citizens of the nation to protest the government. Civilians can protest through their speech, which may hold accusatory claims against the government, in public areas. Americans are allowed the right to publish grievances in the press, free of censorship from a legislative body, as well. These are liberties that allow for organizations to spread information and knowledge over any form of tyranny they may feel the government bestows onto the population. These are also lubricating actions that more easily allow for assemblies to form and confront the government over such issues. Really, the amendment is a formula for allowing the civilian populous to restrain the authority of the government.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Russian Philosophy essays
Russian Philosophy essays While the rest of Europe was advancing culturally as a direct result of the Renaissance, Russia did not reap the same benefits of cultural development. The Mongol occupation in Russia was responsible for the disproportionate growth; because of the ongoing Mongol supression, Russians were not able to prosper culturally to the extent other European countries experienced. Russia did experience their own "renaissance" of sorts in the mid to late 19th century and on into the 20th century. This was characterized by a new way of thinking and viewing the world around them, mostly the Western civilizations. This was known as the "Russian Cultural Renaissance". Nikolai Bernyaev was one of the most prominant figures of the time and was later a leading philosopher of the Russian emmigration. Proffessioanl philosophers appeared in Russia in the 19th century, but it was thanks to Bernyaev and his existentialist attitude that Russia was able to contribute new ideas to world philosophy. Philosophical ideas in Russia rarely matured into well-balanced, self-sufficient systems, because it was the privilege of the State to consummate and elaborate them in a systematic way. The fate of Russian thinkers was to dissolve these ideocratic systems in a stream of capricious, spontaneous, prophetic, existential thinking which attempted to go beyond the systems, to undermine them rather than to consolidate them. Since the official philosophy functioned as a tool of power, it was the task and merit of non-official philosophy to advance anti-totalitarian modes of thinking, deconstructing any possible principle of systematization. In effect, Russia was overpowered by free thinkers once the hold of the czars loosened and communism paved the way for some to view Western society and what it had and was continuing to accomplish. Russia has made up for lost time very quickly, in the time from the Bolshevik Revolution and World War I. Russia continues to develope ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Major General Charles Griffin in the Civil War
Major General Charles Griffin in the Civil War Charles Griffin - Early Life Career: Born December 18, 1825 at Granville, OH, Charles Griffin was the son of Apollos Griffin. Receiving his early education locally, he later attended Kenyon College. Desiring a career in the military, Griffin successfully sought an appointment to the US Military Academy in 1843. Arriving at West Point, his classmates included A.P. Hill, Ambrose Burnside, John Gibbon, Romeyn Ayres, and Henry Heth. An average student, Griffin graduated in 1847 ranked twenty-third in a class of thirty-eight. Commissioned a brevet second lieutenant, he received orders to join the 2nd US Artillery which was engaged in the Mexican-American War. Traveling south, Griffin took part in the final actions of the conflict. Promoted to first lieutenant in 1849, he moved through various assignments on the frontier. Charles Griffin - The Civil War Nears: Seeing action against the Navajo and other Native American tribes in the Southwest, Griffin remained on the frontier until 1860. Returning east with the rank of captain, he assumed a new post as an instructor of artillery at West Point. In early 1861, with the secession crisis pulling the nation apart, Griffin organized an artillery battery comprised of enlisted men from the academy. Ordered south following the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter in April and the beginning of the Civil War, Griffins West Point Battery (Battery D, 5th US Artillery) joined Brigadier General Irvin McDowells forces which were gathering at Washington, DC. Marching out with the army that July, Griffins battery was heavily engaged during the Union defeat at the First Battle of Bull Run and sustained heavily casualties. Charles Griffin - To the Infantry: In the spring of 1862, Griffin moved south as part of Major General George B. McClellans Army of the Potomac for the Peninsula Campaign. During the early part of the advance, he led the artillery attached to Brigadier General Fitz John Porters division of III Corps and saw action during the Siege of Yorktown. On June 12, Griffin received a promotion to brigadier general and took command of an infantry brigade in Brigadier General George W. Morells division of Porters newly-formed V Corps. With the beginning of the Seven Days Battles in late June, Griffin performed well in his new role during the engagements at Gaines Mill and Malvern Hill. With the failure of the campaign, his brigade moved back to northern Virginia but was held in reserve during the Second Battle of Manassas in late August. A month later, at Antietam, Griffins men were again part of the reserve and did not see meaningful action.   Charles Griffin - Divisional Command: That fall, Griffin replaced Morell as division commander. Though possessing a difficult personality that often caused issues with his superiors, Griffin was soon beloved by his men. Taking his new command into battle at Fredericksburg on December 13, the division was one of several tasked with assaulting Maryes Heights. Bloodily repulsed, Griffins men were forced to fall back. He retained command of the division the following year after Major General Joseph Hooker assumed leadership of the army. In May 1863, Griffin took part in the opening fighting at the Battle of Chancellorsville. In the weeks after the Union defeat, he fell ill and was forced to leave his division under the temporary command of Brigadier General James Barnes. During his absence, Barnes led the division at the Battle of Gettysburg on July 2-3. In the course of the fighting, Barnes performed poorly and Griffins arrival in camp during the final stages of the battle was cheered by his men. That fall, he directed his division during the Bristoe and Mine Run Campaigns. With the reorganization of the Army of the Potomac in the spring of 1864, Griffin retained command of his division as leadership of V Corps passed to Major General Gouverneur Warren. As Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant commenced his Overland Campaign that May, Griffins men quickly saw action at the Battle of the Wilderness where they clashed with Lieutenant General Richard Ewells Confederates. Later that month, Griffins division took part in the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House. As the army pushed south, Griffin played at key role at Jericho Mills on May 23 before being present for the Union defeat at Cold Harbor a week later. Crossing the James River in June, V Corps took part in Grants assault against Petersburg on June 18. With the failure of this attack, Griffins men settled into the siege lines around the city. As the summer progressed into fall, his division participated in several operations designed to extend the Confederate lines and sever the railroads into Petersburg. Engaged at the Battle of Peebles Farm in late September, he performed well and earned a brevet promotion to major general on December 12. Charles Griffin - Leading V Corps: In early February 1865, Griffin led his division at the Battle of Hatchers Run as Grant pressed towards the Weldon Railroad. On April 1, V Corps was attached to a combined cavalry-infantry force tasked with capturing the critical crossroads of Five Forks and led by Major General Philip H. Sheridan. In the resulting battle, Sheridan became infuriated with Warrens slow movements and relieved him in favor of Griffin. The loss of Five Forks compromised General Robert E. Lees position in Petersburg and the next day Grant mounted a large scale assault on the Confederate lines forcing them to abandon the city. Ably leading V Corps in the resulting Appomattox Campaign, Griffin aided in pursuing the enemy west and was present for Lees surrender on April 9. With the conclusion of the war, he received a promotion major general on July 12.  Charles Griffin - Later Career:   Given leadership of the District of Maine in August, Griffins rank reverted to colonel in the peacetime army and he accepted command of the 35th US Infantry. In December 1866, he was given oversight of Galveston and the Freedmens Bureau of Texas. Serving under Sheridan, Griffin soon became entangled in Reconstruction politics as he worked to register white and African American voters and enforced the oath of allegiance as a requirement for jury selection. Increasingly unhappy with Governor James W. Throckmortons lenient attitude towards former Confederates, Griffin convinced Sheridan to have him replaced with staunch Unionist Elisha M. Pease.  In 1867, Griffin received orders to replaced Sheridan as commander of the Fifth Military District (Louisiana and Texas). Before he could depart for his new headquarters in New Orleans, he fell ill during a yellow fever epidemic that swept through Galveston. Unable to recover, Griffin died on September 15. His remains were transported north and interred at Oak Hill Cemetery in Washington, DC. Selected Sources TSHA: Major General Charles GriffinHistory Central: Charles GriffinFind a Grave: Charles Griffin
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Initiative to Engage Employees and Reduce Voluntary Turnover Assignment
Initiative to Engage Employees and Reduce Voluntary Turnover - Assignment Example From this paper it is clear that as the CEO, ensuring that the employees need for trust is satisfied, can be achieved through enquiring about the needs of the employees. Failing to be aware of the needs of the employees of the company is not a good thing even though it typically happens. This form of mindset should be shifted immediately in order to ensure that the employee issues are understood.As the discussion stresses as the CEO, the author of the report  would come up with mechanism that will provide information of the aspects that are crucial to the employees and since they may not be willing to provide this information directly to the CEOs office, the avenues for this communication should encourage them to provide information. He would make myself available, as a real human being, associate with the employees and show them that I care in order to make communication smoother with the aim of nurturing trust. In order to satisfy the need of the employees to have hope, as th e CEO, he must maintain a positive work setting that will ensure the work environment is conducive and positive for the employees. This is because the work environment is critical to the motivation and happiness of the employees. the reporter would foster hope in the employees by ensuring that they are happy through giving them freedom and eliminating negativity. Therefore, he would ensure that people with bad attitudes are pulled aside and advised on the values they can change in order to increase positivity in the workplace.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Two discussion questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Two discussion questions - Essay Example An example is firing employees who are involved in the production of company products. Small-scale change is ideal in the case of avoiding conflicts in a firm. Making a small change in the firm will serve to make improvements to a company’s operations, without affecting its overall structure. This has proved as an effective strategy in maintaining standards and quality of most successful organization (Spector, 2010). Large-scale change involves a complete renovation of most if not all of the current factors. For example, a company will seek to change the products it produces; hence, it will renovate the company by introducing new machinery and installing efficient measures of operation such as using computers rather than filing cabinets for storing company data and information. Such change is implemented by companies, which suffer significant losses that affect their mode of operation (Borkowski, 2005). Large scale-change in a company would be applied in phases in order to get rid of the problems that negatively affect the company in bits and pieces. Small and large-scale changes vary depending on the situation, and as a result, they are applied based on preference and analysis of the best alternative. However, small and large-scale changes can be implemented simultaneously. For example, if a company wants to make large-scale changes to the company, the management can apply small-scale changes to achieve a large-scale change (Spector, 2010). The strategy is used as a methodology that will allow individuals to acclimatize (accept) the changes being implemented. A recent change that was applied in my workplace involved the management introducing a computer system that would access employee performance based on their output on a weekly basis (Spector, 2010). This was to be used in determining whether individuals were lazy and underperforming, whether some employees did more work than others and also to find out the employees that
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Mass midia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Mass midia - Essay Example Information sharing in digital platform has formed the newest trend in mass communication. Digital media, such as social sites and digital newspapers has enhanced the feedback process in terms of speed, accuracy and availability of specific information about respondents (Campbell 2012). Traditional mass media includes radio, televisions, newspapers and magazines. The feedback mechanism in these media is complex in nature due to lengthy manual process. Submitting a feedback to a media house regarding a program involves writing a letter to the program manager or a newspaper editor. This process is tedious in nature and can sometimes be futile. This is because the feedback letters may get misplaced or loss due to incorrect addresses. In addition, the process takes a lot of time and the feedback may lose its importance during transit. The cost of tendering a feedback is a hindrance in traditional mass media. This is because sending of feedback is requires posting letters that may not be beneficial to the audience. As such, traditional means of mass media receive less feedback. Digital feedback mechanisms have proven to be more efficient and are already phasing out traditional feedback mechanism. This is because many mass media platforms have gone online where respondents can post feedback at the click of a button. This makes the feedback process costless and thus more feedback is received. In addition to quick tendering of feedbacks, the editors of the news receive the feedbacks immediately and may respond accordingly. This enhances the relationship between the audience and the news media (Levine 2012). This has an overall advantage of expanding the audience base of the digital media platforms. Moreover, feedback in digital media has been boosted by the fact that the audience can chat and discuss over contentious issues. This creates royalty between the audience and the news vendor. From the feedbacks received, the number of
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Functions of the Digestive System
Functions of the Digestive System Healthcare Support John Fenton PART A: Identify the parts of the Digestive System on the diagram overleaf(see Diagram 1) Explain the function of each part of the Digestive System identified in the diagram above ? Introduction: The branch of medicine focused on the digestive system is Gastroenterology. The digestive system is a set of organs that work on food and drink to break them down into substances the body can absorb so that our body can grow, repair itself, have energy to live life. The Digestive system also gets rid of the waste that the body cannot use. Some organs have a direct input into the breakdown of food where others have an indirect input in the breakdown. The digestive system is made up of 2 parts the alimentary canal is made up of the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestines, and large intestines. In addition to the alimentary canal, there are several important Accessory organs that help your body to digest food they are teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Mouth is where food and drink enter the body and it has many parts that aid in breaking up the food. The teeth which there is 32 of them made up of incisors canine and molars which cut and tear the food breaking it into smaller pieces (mechanical digestion) the tongue moisten the food with mucus and the saliva glands secrete saliva to help break it up into a pulp and amylase work on starch to break it as the food leaves the mouth to go down the throat(pharynx) it is formed into a bolus or pulp which makes swallowing easier. At the top of the larynx there is a flap called the epiglottis which prevents food going towards the lungs but instead letting into the esophagus. Esophagus or windpipe is a muscular tube connecting the throat to the stomach this foodpipe forces the food down to the stomach using muscular waves called peristalsis and along with mucus from the esophagus. At the end of the esophagus there is the cardiac sphincter that allows the bolus into the stomach but prevents the food going back up the esophagus. Stomach: It is C shaped bag that hold food until it is ready to go into the small intestine. The stomach release hydrochloric acid which aid digestion but kills bacteria. The stomach mixes and churns the food with the help of the wave like muscles(peristalsis) and enzymes help to chemically break down the food when food leaves the stomach through the pyloric sphincter it is creamy and is called chime. Small Intestine: It is 7 metre long and it is like a coiled hose and is made up of 3 parts the duodenum, jejunum ileum 90% of the digestion both chemical and mechanical takes place here and some absorption into the bloodstream .The liver produces bile and sends it to the gall bladder and then empties the bile into the duodenum and pancreatic juices are also go into the duodenum in order to help in the breakdown of food. There is villa in the walls of the small intestine which makes absorption into the bloodstream possible. Large Intestine: is a long, thick tube about 2 Â ½ inches in diameter and about 5 feet long. It wraps around the small intestine. It has 3 parts ascending colon, the transverse colon, the descending colon. The large intestine receives undigested food from the small intestine and reabsorbs water back into the bloodstream from the faeces. Some undigested carbohydrates cannot be absorbed and form part of the waste that needs to leave the body. There are bacteria in the large intestine which make important substance called vitamin K. Faeces in the large intestine exit the body through the anal canal. The liver is the largest gland in the body it is soft and reddish and brown in colour. It is not considered as a direct part of the digestive system. It produces bile that aids in digestion by breaking down material and help creating waste products that will later need to be eliminated from the body. It destroys harmful bacteria that come from the digestive tract and it stores important vitamins that is in the food The gall bladder is a pear shaped sac attached by the cystic and bile ducts to the liver, stores bile which is made by the liver in a concentrated form until it is needed. the lining has many secretes the bile when it is is a thick liquid. The Pancreas is a greyish pink gland organ shaped like a fish it is connected to the duodenum at its tail. The pancreas secretes digestive enzymes into the small intestine to complete the chemical digestion. The cells of the pancreas are divided into the islets of Langerhans(which produce insulin glucagon) help regulate the sugars in the blood pancreatic juice help to breakdown food. The juices contain lipose, amylase, trysin. Appendix: Is between the small and large intestine it a thin tube 4inches long, it is not known what its function is but it is suggested that it stores good bacteria. Rectum: Is 12cm long it is always empty except when it receives the contents of the colon(faeces) which it stores until it is excreted from the body through the anus. Anus:This is where the faeces leave the body it contains 2 muscles one involuntarily and the other voluntarily which means faeces can be held inside until the person is ready to excrete. The functions of the digestive system. are now complete they are ingestion, digestion, propulsion, absorption and elimination.(Course Notes (2015) (Tucker, 2012) Outline the composition of Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates, and explain how each of them are digested and absorbed by the body? Introduction; All the food we eat needs to be broken down by the body in order for the body to be able to use it. Our diet has to be balanced in order that our body received the correct nutrients necessary for it to be maintained and for our bodies to function properly. The food pyramid outlines the components necessary for balanced healthy diet. See diagram below that helps us to understand the foods that contain Proteins Carbohydrates and fats and how they are beneficial to the body. (Course Notes (2015) (Tucker, 2012) Type Source Function Digested by Body Absorbed by the body Proteins eg Beans,fish,Cheese, Chicken, Meat Repair Maintain Body (Building blocks) Source of Energy for body Create some Hormones eg Insulin Stores Moves Molecules Creates Antibodies to prevent infection Important Enzymes The Enzymes Pepsin from Pancreas/Stomach/Small Intestine. As Amino Acids Fats eg Chocolate,milk,Butter, Olive Oil,Nuts. Provides Vitamins A,D,E,K. Insulates the body sustains body Temperature. Turns Fat into Energy Lipase Enzymes breakdown fat in small intestine Fatty Acids Glycerol Carbohydrates eg Potatoes, Cereal,bread Main Source of fuel. Easily used by the body for Energy. Stored in some Organs for use later. Important in Intestine and helps in waste Elimination Pancreatic Amylase works on Carbohydrates in the Duodenum As Monosaccharides PART B: Draw a diagram of a typical cell, and state the function of each of it’s Organelles.(See Diagram 2) Introduction: The cell is the smallest living unit there are 50 trillion cells in the human body that cannot be seen by the naked eye. Cells vary in shape and size and each part in a cell has a job to do which contribute to the function of the cell. A group of similar cells working together form tissue and a number of tissues make up an organ and a number of organs make up an organ system like the digestive system and when these systems work together the result is an individual with all system working together. Below is outlined the main components of an animal cell. Cell Membrane: Regulates and controls transport in(food Oxygen) and out(CO2 Waste) of the cell and also provides a boundary around the cell. Cytoplasm is a gel like material that lies between the cell membrane and the nucleus, contains water and nutrients and protects the cell. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum: It has bumpy tissue and produces and moves proteins and hormones around the cell. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum: making and distributing molecules depending on the type of cell with a smooth surface. Ribsomes: They are a circle shape and they build protein from amino acids for the cell. Golgi Body: It gathers simple molecules makes them into more complex molecules then packages them into vesicles and then either holds onto the material or sends it out of the cell. Mitochondria: The Powerhouse of the cell as they provide the energy for the cell. The DNA is also found breaks down food and it releases energy to the cell. ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) is produced here and it powers the cells processes. Neuclear Membrane: holds substances inside the Nucleus allows material in and out between nucleus and is a protection layer for the nucleus. Neuleous:The main parts are DNA,RNA and proteins, the main function is helping in making ribosomes. Nucleus is a fibrous material, it is the control centre of the cell. It contains chromosomes with the DNA and materials leave the nucleus through the pores. Lysosomes: The disposal system of the cell, they breakdown complex proteins into simplier digests waste material and helps repair damage to the cell. Cilla: Is a hair like structure on the cell membrane moves substances along the surface of the cell and also helps to move the cell.(Course Notes (2015). Classify tissues into the four main groups; epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous, give an example of each ? (Table format will suffice) Introduction: The study of tissue is called histology. Tissues are the collection of cells with a similar structure and function. When the tissues work together they form into an organ. There are 4 types mentioned in table below. (Tucker, 2012) Type: Function: Example: Epithelial Tissue – covers body surfaces lines hollow organs Absorbs/Protects/Secretes/Filters Skin,Lines of organs body cavities ducts in glands,Intestines Connective Tissue – connects all other tissue in the body Gives support Rigidity to the body. Transports Oxygen Co2 in the body. Provide a cushion where bones meet Connecting Supporting other tissues Helps retain heat in the body Protects against disease Stretch Recoil Outer Protection of Organs Bones Cartilage Blood Areolar Adipose Lymphoid Yellow Elastic White Fibrous Muscle Tissue – bound together in bundles made up of water, proteins, fats,mineral salts, glycogen Mechanical digestion Body Movement Moves blood, food and waste through organs of body Smooth-Organ Walls –Involuntarily(not straited) Skeletal –Arms Legs – Voluntarily(striated) Cardiac – Heart Wall – Involuntarily (striated) Nervous Tissue made up of neurons neuralgia Controls transmit the impulses between the body organs via the neurons which are nerve cells Brain,Spinal Cord Nerves Explain the difference between benign and malignant tumours ? Benign Tumours: are not cancerous but are a mass of tissue that grow in an uncontrolled way but they can be removed. They do not spread to any other parts of the body and can be quite painful. Malignant Tumours: they are cancerous and they include cells that grow out of control and they often invade other cells and spread to other parts of the body. When a malignant tumour is removed there is a possibility that cancer will reappear in another part of the body for example a malignant tumour in the pancreas may reappear in the liver.(Course Notes (2015). PART C: Label the urinary system using the diagram overleaf. (See diagram 3) Explain the structure and function of each element of the Urinary System ? (5 marks) Introduction to Urinary System: Theurinary systemhelps get rid of waste product called urea from the body, which is produced when certain foods are broken down. The whole system includes two kidneys, two ureters, the bladder, two sphincter muscles and the urethra. Urine produced by the kidneys travels down the ureters to the bladder, and leaves the body through the urethra. The kidney is bean shaped and 11cm long. 25% of the blood that is in circulation goes through the kidneys there are 2 of them and they are reddish brown in colour it is made up of cortex on the outside and the medulla on the inside. Each kidney has on its surface more than a million twisted tubes called nephrons. The function of the kidneys is to filter out waste and toxins, reabsorb nutrients such as glucose and protein and then excrete waste. It is also responsible for osmoregulation which balances water and salts in the blood., Ureter carries urine from the kidney to the bladder and when there is fluid in them it makes the urine flow towards the bladder like the kidney there are 2 of them one attached to each kidney. The walls are thick and are able to contract they are situated between the kidneys and the bladder. Bladder it is a muscular sac like organ situated between ureter and can expand when urine goes into it and then contract when urine leaves it. Its function is to store urine and send a message to the brain when it needs to be emptied. Urethra is a narrow tube longer in men that women its function is to take urine from the body to the outside but also takes semen to outside in men.(Course Notes (2015). Draw the structure of a Nephron and explain how it produces urine Diagram 4 ? (Google Images) There are over 2 million nephrons in the kidneys of an adult. (Tucker, 2012) There are a several structures that make up the nephron. The Glomerulus are tiny capillaries that look like a ball of wool and act as sieve where the blood is filtered. The glomerulus is surrounded by the Bowman’s Capsule. The Bowman’s capsule absorbs the material that is filtered from the glomerulus. As a result of the filtration process useful substances flow into the Tubule and from there they are reabsorbed into the bloodstream.The remaining substances in the tubule and any water that is useful is absorbed into the bloodstream. The material that is leftover is 95% water and cannot be used by the body it is called urine and this needs to be eliminated from the body. The urine moves from the tubule to the ureter. see diagram attached on separate sheet Name and explain three diseases / disorders which affect the urinary system ? Kidney Stones: The medical name for stones in the kidneys is Nephrolithiasis. It occurs when a solid mass of material forms together within the renal pelvis, bladder or ureters, After the Kidney stone has formed it will try to pass out in the urine but because of its size it will not be able to do so and this can cause severe pain in the abdomen or groin. There are several procedures to remove or break them down. Depending on the size will determine the treatment required if they are small your GP can give you medication that will reduce the kidney stone in size and then allow them to be passed out in the urine if they are much larger surgery may be required. This condition happens more frequently in men than in women. Urethritis:Is the swelling of the urethra resulting in a very painful discharge of urine sometimes caused by infection. There is 2 types of urethritis Gonococcal and nonspecific urethritis and this is caused by a big number of bacteria, yeast or chlamydia, it is diagnosed by sending a sample of a discharge from the urethra to the lab. Treatment will depend on the cause and appropriate antibiotics would clear the problem. Pyelonephritis is a bacterial or viral infection of the kidney and it can spread if not treated. People most at risk for pyelonephritis are those who have a bladder infection or a problem in the urinary tract. the possible symptoms are painful urination, groin pain, nausea and fever. In most cases the bacterial infection can be treated by antibiotics, it can be diagnosed in a variety of different ways through analysis of a urine sample and looking for the presence of white blood cells and bacteria, and through Ultrasound. Bibliography/References Tucker, L., 2012. An Introductory Guide to Anatomy Physiology. 4th ed. London: EMS Publishing. John FentonPage 1
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