Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Twelfth Night is Olivia Essays
Twelfth Night is Olivia Essays Twelfth Night is Olivia Paper Twelfth Night is Olivia Paper Essay Topic: Twelfth Night Another strong female character in Twelfth Night is Olivia. She is an intelligent character of court, a woman of independence and of property after her father left his possessions to her brother, and then she in turn inherited them from him. However when she marries, according to social aspects of that era, her husband will gain all of that power. She is also the object of desire from Orsino, Sir Andrew, Malvolio and eventually Sebastian. At the beginning of the play, Olivia is a cloistress in mourning for her brother, and shows excessive melancholy and extravagance that parallels Orsino. Both characters are steeped in the melancholy of sentimental love to the point of being blinded by it and both suffer from the complexities of love. But Orsino takes a passive approach to the pursuit of love, in the way that he sends Cesario to pursue Olivia, whereas Olivia takes a more active role. However, Olivias attempts to be reclusive seem to be more posturing than actual mourning, and this is another way in which appearances are deceptive, as Olivia soon transforms, removing her veil and asking Cesario Ist not well done? Although Olivia can be seen as a typical cultural construction of femininity, she transgresses that role and shows impetuosity in the way that she relentlessly pursues Cesario. In Elizabethan times, women could not be seen to be chasing men as it gave women wantonness, similarly the Bible was thought to be factual, and Adam created Eve for him, not the other way around. Olivia however appears to recognize that she oversteps the rules of conduct: Have you not set mine honor at the stake? Even though Olivia steps out of her assigned sociohistorical position, she later steps back into it by marrying Sebastian to provide the Jacobian audience with closure. She is worldly wise in the way that she knows how money can win somebody over I thank you for your pains: spend this for me she says to Cesario, and she also has a good relationship with Feste the jester, albeit occasionally scolding him for being out of line, she seems to enjoy and find amusing his witty repartee. Although she is undoubtedly intelligent, she shows fickleness in the way that she swaps Cesario for Sebastian, and this also is similar to the inconstancy of Orsino. Through Orsino, Shakespeare criticizes women For women are as roses, whose fair flower / Being once displayd, doth fall that very hour, and the impermanence of womens beauty. Although Olivia seems to dislike Malvolio at times O, you are sick of self-love, Malvolio, and taste with a distemperd appetite. she displays compassion and kindness in the way that she attempts to bring him back into the wedding society. This sentimentality is seen in many of Shakespeares portrayals of women, and is similar to the way in which Maria is presented. Maria is Olivias lady in waiting, and is a character who balances the household. She tolerates Sir Andrew and Sir Tobys folly, yet doesnt hesitate to scold them when she feels it has gone too far. Sir Toby and Maria are having an affair, and Sir Toby boasts that she adores him. Maria is the character who single-handedly thinks up the plot to gull Malvolio, and in doing so gains the admiration of the male characters, Sir Toby says O, twill be admirable of the plan. She is a literary construct who embodies some of Shakespeares main ideas and themes. She can also be seen as some of Shakespeares praise of women, as in letting a female character be so intelligent, witty and quick-minded, Shakespeare is giving women qualities that were scarcely seen to exist in Elizabethan England.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Truth or Fiction 11 Biggest Fears About College
Truth or Fiction 11 Biggest Fears About College There’s really no fiction involved when it comes to the legitimate fears that current and aspiring students experience about college. In this article we’re going to get to the truth behind the 11 most common college fears so that you can rest easy and make an informed decision. Sound like a plan? We thought so. Let’s do this. 1. â€Å"I Don’t Know What I Want to Be!†This is by far the most common. Students have no clue what they’ll be doing four, five or six years down the road. They have no clue where the economy will be. The speed of technological innovation is compounding uncertainty like nothing else. What major should they choose? Is it good enough? How will it impact their career? Wait†¦career?! Relax. You don’t have to make a decision from the get-go and many of those who do end up changing their minds anyway. A very tiny percentage of people know what they’re destined to be. That’s a fact. For the first year just get the basic core classes out of the way and while you’re at it do some dabbling (if you can afford it or don’t mind extra debt). Or, you could just hold back from going to college for a little while until you have a better idea. 2. â€Å"I Won’t Know Like Anybody†Social anxiety and fear of not being accepted is common. It follows us everywhere in life beginning in grade school all the way through adulthood. When you step back and look at another way, it looks like this, â€Å"I Won’t Know Freaking Anybody!†That’s right, it’s a chance for a fresh start which is always cool. You’re going to be in college so meeting people is going to happen whether you want it to or not. It’s par for the course so to speak. You’ll meet people. You’ll make friends. You’ll get into relationships. You know†¦life. 3. â€Å"OMG, This is Expensive!†True. Whether you’re paying it with cash upfront (who does that?) or by using a mixture of loans, grants and scholarships. The cost of higher education is inflated by leaps and bounds, over 130% in the last 30 years alone. If you’re worried by how expensive it is, GOOD! Then this should help you fail less classes, take the ones you need as a junior and senior, and make smarter decisions. 4. â€Å"Am I really Ready for This?†The balancing act of priorities during college is meant to prepare you for what it’s like in the â€Å"real world.†So at the end of the day you can’t escape it. Part of growing up is taking on more responsibility and if you’re going to live within society you really can’t go away scot free. Don’t worry, juggling a job, classes and friends is actually an amazing experience. It really is. You’re so productive! You’re in school bettering yourself. You’ve got a social life happening. And, you’re working part/full time so there’s some extra cash laying around. It’s awesome. You’re as ready as you choose to be. No more, no less. 5. â€Å"What if My Roommate Totally Sucks?†You can get a new one. 6. â€Å"What If I Can’t Hack the Classes?†There’s no class you cannot pass. That’s the flat out truth. I don’t care if we’re talking quantum mechanics, organic chemistry or some sort of advanced theoretical astrophysics. If you truly dedicate your mind to passing that class it will happen. Yes, your IQ does determine things to a certain degree. More categorically than anything else. But, we’re all aware of how powerful the human spirit is as well. Don’t fear classes. Don’t fear intellectual challenge. Yes, you can do it. The real question is, â€Å"Do I have the passion it’s going to take to succeed in this major?†7. â€Å"I’m All On My Own.†No you’re not. Not by a long shot bub. 8. â€Å"I Don’t Want to Get Fat!†Getting fat, or being obese isn’t technically a good thing regardless of where you happen to be. That’s life. If you’re worried, make sure to exercise and eat smart (yep, big shocker). 9. â€Å"What if I Lose Touch with Home?†If you’re going to school on the other side of the country or perhaps in the other hemisphere, you’ve got modern technology to keep you connected. It’s not as good as in-person, but it’s working wonders for the human species. Try it! 10. â€Å"What if I Pick the Wrong University?†Hmm. Yeah about that. In all honesty, focus more on the quality of your education rather than the educational institutions themselves. For the lion’s share of us, our potential employers only care about the knowledge and what results we can bring about. If it’s a reputable college you’re going to be fine. Now, if it’s just the flat out wrong university altogether, then don’t stick around for two years before working up the nerve to bug out. If it’s just purely not a good place for you, leave immediately and fine a better school for you. 11. â€Å"What If My Dream School is a Nightmare?†See #10 pretty much, but this does happen. What you thought was the best school ever for your particular goals ends up being a nightmare. Bail! Does that pretty much cover it or are there some fears you have/had about college that we missed? Let us know!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Supplemental Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Supplemental Exercise - Essay Example Visitor’s browser downloads the CSS file just once and re-used the same file for other pages on a site. Dividing style from content makes life very comfortable for visitors who opt to view just the content of a webpage, or to change the content. These could be low sighted people who may use a screen reader to translate a page. Best practice for the use of CSS is creating you HTML first. Most designers develop their CSS all at once they create the HTML. Though it appears logical to develop both at the same time, but in reality you will save more time if you generate the entire HTML prototype first. The reason for using this method is that we recognize all the elements of our website site layout, but we do not know what CSS we’ll need with our design. Developing the HTML layout firstly allows us to visualize the entire webpage as completely, and permits you to think of your CSS in a top-down fashion (Biundo & Enge,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Bribery - Analysis of Articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Bribery - Analysis of Articles - Essay Example At the next level, Segon and Booth (2010) review the literature published on corruption and bribery as business phenomena; their study focuses on correction and bribery in Vietnam but reference is also made to these problems as parts of business operations in other countries internationally – for example Australia and Britain. A different aspect of bribery is examined in the study of Hunt and Laszlo (2009); the above researchers examine the level of bribery in public services of Peru and Uganda aiming to show the difference in the level of bribery between poor and rich people in the particular countries. It is noted that rich people are more likely to bribe compared to poor people; the cost of bribe for the latter seems to be higher – if taking into consideration the fact that poor people have to use almost all of their income when they have to bribe, while in rich people there is no such case. The methods used in the articles under analysis for reviewing and evaluating bribery as a business and social phenomenon, are differentiated. More specifically, the study of Martin, Cullen and Johnson (2007) focuses on the potential influence of national culture on bribery. Data have been gathered from about 4,000 firms internationally aiming to show that bribery can be influenced by culture and by institutional – drivers (Martin, Cullen and Johnson 1401). The characteristics of bribery as a social phenomenon are presented and analyzed; also, the relationship between bribery and the anomie theory is examined. Then, the hypotheses on which the empirical research developed for the study are presented. Finally, the data used for developing the paper are presented and evaluated; these data have been retrieved from the World Bank in 2000 – the sample of the countries participated reached the 80 countries; after using specific variables for choosing the material used in the article, the study’s sample has been reduced approximately by 20% (Ma rtin, Cullen and Johnson 1408). The above data are analyzed using the hierarchical linear modeling. The results of the research are presented using appropriate graphs; also the implications of the research are highlighted aiming to ensure the credibility of the study. The study of Segon and Booth (2010) focuses on the examination of bribery as a phenomenon related to developing economies; in the above study emphasis is given on corruption and bribery as developed in Vietnam and the challenges that managers in firms operating in the particular country have to face because of the above phenomena. The literature referring to corruption and bribery in developing economies is critically reviewed; effort is made so that the causes of corruption and bribery are identify; moreover, the relationship between bribery and national culture is examined. The concepts of culture, corruption and bribery are carefully reviewed – referring to the relevant literature; particular emphasis is give n on bribery and corruption as social and business phenomena in Vietnam. The above study is based solely on literature review – focusing on the issues mentioned above. Hunt and Laszlo (2009) try to identify the cost and benefits of bribery in regard to the income of poor of rich people in Peru and Uganda; in general the article aims to show the level of
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The euro star Essay Example for Free
The euro star Essay The euro star is more than suitable for those with disabilities the Eurostar is Dedicated to providing the highest level of service for all its passengers, the Eurostar terminals at London St Pancras International, Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International, as well as the passenger trains themselves are specially equipped for those who may require additional facilities or services. So to conclude for the Eurostar I would recommend to Parents with children to choose this option over others, however if the customers need a car while in Paris then I would choose a different option, although as the Paris station is in the middle of Disneyland Paris the need for a car isnt likely unless the hotel they are staying in is outside the Disneyland Paris area. Wheelchairs There are 2 designated areas on the train, each for one wheelchair user and companion in Leisure Select (first class), coaches 9 10. They offer the wheelchair user the option to stay in their wheelchair if they wish and must be -8- used if passengers are unable to walk at least 200m unaided. Call for aid buttons are also fitted. Please note that the designated wheelchair spaces are for passengers that have their own wheelchair. A special fare is available for both wheelchair user and companion, please enquire at the time of booking. Special Assistance Special assistance is no longer bookable in advance. Assistance is arranged in person on the day of departure at the assistance desk and is subject to availability. If the passenger thinks they might need help getting to or from the train, they would need to arrive as early as they can (preferably at least 1 hour prior to departure). Guide Dogs Guide dogs are accepted on board, however please note under no other circumstances may animals travel on Eurostar. Disabled toilets with call for aid buttons are available at the departure lounges at London St Pancras, Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International stations and also on the trains themselves in First Class Leisure Select Coaches 9 and 10. And an extra note for the disabled passengers Eurostar Door Widths: Toilet 522mm/Exit Door 850mm/Disabled Toilet 7200mm -9- Euro tunnel Eurotunnel is the company responsible for building the twin railway tunnels under the English Channel linking Britain and France at Folkestone, in Kent and Coquelles, in the Nord Pas-de-Calais. Eurotunnel runs its own shuttle service that carries passengers and their vehicles between Folkestone and Calais. Eurotunnel also charges other rail operators, like Eurostar, to use the Channel Tunnel or Chunnel as we often call it. Eurotunnel operates a fleet of 25 shuttle trains to transport cars, coaches and trucks and their drivers and passengers. Trains run 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There are 3 trains an hour between 06:00-00:00, and 2 trains an hour between midnight and 06:00. The shuttle has now been in operation for over 12 years and since its first commercial services 177 million people have travelled through the Channel Tunnel thats 3 times the population of both France and England! Eurotunnel shuttle timetable Eurotunnel runs 34 shuttle services a day, 7 days a week, both from Calais to Folkestone, and from Folkestone to Calais. Generally, there are 2 services an hour between 06:00-23:00, 1 service an hour between 23:00-01:00 and about 1 service every 2 hours between 01:00-06:00. -10- Journey time between Folkestone and Calais is 35 minutes between 06:00-23:00 and about 45 minutes between 23:00-06:00. The Passengers need to check in at least 30 minutes before your shuttles due departure time. Eurotunnel have a good record for on time departures. Disch:1 Above is where Eurotunnel crosses the English Channel. Eurotunnel is a great way to take your car on holiday with, and as you can see it has great road links to all other parts of Britain. -11- Eurotunnel shuttle fares Eurotunnel has a number of fare options. Prices within one ticket option can vary quite a bit depending on a number of factors, such as how long you book in advance, what type of vehicle youre taking and how long youre staying. Standard car fare The average standard fare for a car up to 1. 85 meters high is i 49-i 75 one way. Note that standard fares are significantly more expensive if booked at short notice. The price includes the car and all its passengers. The number of passengers can be any number up to the maximum the car can legally carry. Motorcycles: fares are around Registered guide dogs travel free So this could be the ideal way to travel for anyone with difficulties with their sight, also this could be ideal for people travelling on big trips, such as school trips as the Eurotunnel has sufficient facilities to take coaches on, and as part of primary research I have actually been on a coach in the Eurotunnel and I thought it was a good way to travel and was easy and quick. Although its not as direct as the Eurostar, as the customer will have to drive from Calais to Disneyland Paris but it is made easy to get to Disneyland Paris as the passenger can take their car with them, as well as there being taxis available form Calais. The picture above shows the different leaving points in the south coast of England, to the different locations in France in which you can travel to. The most probable route for passengers from Maldon would be Dover to Calais. -13- http://www. seafrance. com/cs/Satellite/uk/ferry-dover-calais/itinerary-to-dover? packedargs=site%3DSF_Pax_Uk the purple route is the best route, for travellers from Maldon, from Maldon to Dover, the travellers can either go by car or get a taxi there, but obviously you can take your car on the ferry or, like the Eurotunnel, if the travellers are on a coach trip the ferry is accessible for coaches so the ferry could be perfect for school trips, and what separates a ferry from the Eurotunnel is that the passengers can walk around on board and visit restaurants, shops, bars, and arcades. There is also chilled out areas with comfortable seating, so for passengers travelling on business, can chill with a drink and if wanted can get on with some work in a calm environment. If the Traveller chose to use Sea France, and are driving a vehicle When they arrive at the port of Dover, theyll need to go through immigration and customs so this emphasizes the safety of the ferry. Then they just need to simply follow the signs to the Sea France check-in booths where a member of the Sea France team will process their booking and give them a lane number. Go to the car lanes and wait until youre invited to come aboard. Once onboard, the Sea France team will direct you on the car deck. Also when parking their car, they will reminded to make sure to leave the handbrake on. They will also be reminded to bring everything they want for the journey with them to the passenger areas, because access to the car decks is not permitted during the crossing. If theyre travelling with a pet then Sea France might be the company to use for crossing however it will need to stay in the vehicle during the crossing. It is also easy to make a note of where your car is parked, so the travelers can find it easily when its time to disembark. Passengers travelling by bicycle will also be able to travel by Sea France but will need to walk their bike up the ramp on to the ship. And For their safety, please be careful when leaving your cycle on the car decks and follow the crews instructions. For those passengers with sight difficulties then they could choose Sea France as If youll be accompanied by a guide dog or assistance dog they are welcome to come aboard with you free of charge. So to conclude the ferry would be good again for school trips, and possibly parents with children as the children will have enough stuff to do on the ferry to keep them preoccupied. Also this is the luxury option for those who need a car, bus or bicycle in France to travel around, as you can obviously take your vehicle with you.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Major League Baseball Salaries and the Economic Effect Competition and
Major League Baseball Salaries and the Economic Effect Competition and the Consumer As long has there has been business, Management and Labor have warred against each other for a bigger piece of the pie. Major League Baseball is no different. In the early years of professional baseball the owners controlled the salaries of the players and decided where they could play and what they would be paid. The players were bound to their team by the Reserve Clause that stated, the services of a player will be reserved exclusively for that team for the next season. This resulted in keeping the player’s salaries artificially low because the players were not allowed to offer their services to any other team. The Reserve Clause was in effect for more than One Hundred years of baseball history. It was challenged several times but the owners had won every time, until in 1970 when the St. Louis Cardinals traded outfielder Curt Flood to the Philadelphia Phillies. Flood refused to play for the Phillies and sued to become a free-agent. Flood’s case was in court for severa l years going all the way to the Supreme Court. He was never able to play in the Major League again. While he did not win his case, he laid the groundwork for a later case that involved two pitchers, Andy Messersmith and Dave McNally who filed a grievance against the league contending that, because they didn't sign contracts with their previous teams they were free agents. The owners and the Players Association agreed to submit to binding, impartial, arbitration in order to settle this case. On December 23, 1975 the arbitrator Peter Seitz ruled in favor of the players and the Reserve Clause was broken, and the era of free agency began in the Major Leagues. In 1976 when free agency began the average player salary was only $52 thousand dollars, but it has increased steadily ever since. By 1990 the average salary for a Major League Baseball player had risen to $589 thousand dollars. This Year baseball will start the 2001 season with an average player salary of more than $2 million, abo ut 40 times higher than the typical wage in 1976 when free agency began. Average Major League Player Salaries 1976-2000 Year Average Increase/decrease Median1976 $52,300 --- *1977 74,000 41.49% ... ... _ap/ 19. 2000 Major League Baseball Salaries: USA Today. May 1, 2000. Arlington, VA. 20. 1999-2000 Major League Baseball Team and Player Salaries: Aug 31, 2000. Chicago, IL. bl_teams_9900.htm 21. Final 2000 Payroll Figures: Nov 21, 2000. Atlanta, GA. 22. History of Highest Paid Players: Jan 15, 1999. Bristol, CT. 23. Highest Salaries: Dec 11, 2000. Atlanta, GA. _ap/ 24. Franchise Values: The Hartford Courant. May 29, 2000. Hartford, CT. 25. 2000 MLB Team Payrolls: Aug 31, 2000. Chicago, IL. 26. MLB Player Extend Collective Bargaining Agreement: Aug 29, 2000. Chicago IL.†¦/bl082900news.htm
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
English Commentary – Maiden Voyage
The prescribed passage, Maiden Voyage from Denton Welch’s novel is rich in action and suspense. Several literary devices are employed by the author to create such an appealing effect. The first person narrative is introduced in the first line of this passage and is very important throughout the prose, especially when the protagonist encounters the decapitated head. The narrative style enhances the sensations of utter surprise and horror by describing the experience in a more personal viewpoint. Simple descriptions such as â€Å"I stared into its raw eye-sockets until waves of sickness spread over me. Then I ran’’ enhances the disgust of the scene for the reader, and such feelings can only by the protagonist, which is why first-person view-point is made very effective here. The setting plays a big role in this passage, especially in the lines leading up the climax point of discovering the head. Welch describes everything as being ‘’still and silent,’’ and along with the aid of the line ‘’ Harsh spears of grass stuck up through the sand. The soles of my shoes began to burn and I looked round vainly for some shady place. ’’ the reader begins to envision a serene but hot afternoon setting, although this slowly alters towards the eerie when it is revealed that the wind is the only sound. It gives the impression that as if the place is deserted. Mr Welch also spends considerable time describing the setting of the house that the protagonist was staying in before leaving to venture outside. There is sense of confinement as if the protagonist is trapped in the house and is being held back against his own will thus the word – ‘’imprisonment,’’ . The contents of the house is simple for example ‘’moth-eaten’’ worn out balls and the â€Å"old tennis racket†were the only objects lying in the hall for entertainment. The sombre setting as described by Mr Welch would allow the reader to understand the ardent desire of the protagonist to leave the villa and explore the surroundings. Welch’s usage of diction is also very successful in this passage. By describing the flies as with the simile ‘’buzzing like dynamos,’’ Welsh enhances the disgust the protagonist encountered at the scene. When the protagonist finally realises what the object that appeared to cat crouching in the middle of the road actually was, Welch describes the protagonist reaction as awaking (‘’my numbed senses suddenly awoke again’’), This gives the impression that she is shocked by how only then she realised what the object really was, hence the line â€Å"I stared into its raw eye-sockets until waves of sickness spread over me. Then I ran†. However, the words used to describe the decapitated head stand out the most in this passage, as they are well applied to convey repulsion. ’Shrivelled lips,’’ ‘’ coarse hairs growing out of its ears,’’ ‘’raw eye-sockets’’ as well as the simile ‘’old white teeth stood up like ninepins in the dark’’ all portray intense repulsion, to the extent of invoking nausea to the reader. The shock to the reader upon the revelation that t he object is a human head is heightened by the fact that the protagonist initially thought it was a cat lying in the middle of the road which to the actual object seems to be a contrasting and innocent suggestions. After seeing the head the protagonist decides to run for safety along the bare hills maybe he has realised the meaning of the line Mr Butler said earlier – ‘’Foreigners are not very popular here, so I don’t think you ought to go out alone. ’’ This would enhance the sense of peril towards the protagonist herself, thus making him suddenly fear for his life. The irony in the final passages is clearly evident. The protagonist wants nothing more than to return to the house (‘’my only idea was to get back to the house’’) however, not too long ago she was desperate to leave the house. There is suspense at the end of the passage as the protagonist still feels in harm’s way as he turns desperate in his attempt to find safety (â€Å"I began to feel desperate†). This is also emphasised by the short sentence ‘’I was wondering if I could climb up to it in any way. I knew that I could not. ’’ This passage is effectively portrayed by Denton Welch to entice the reader to immerse the reader into the story. The reader is provided with the means to do this by first-person narrative, ample descriptions to depict the scenario, as well as the usage of various literary tools.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Interpreting the First Amendment of the Constitution Essay
The notion of being free to choose whatever religion a citizen wants to posses is notoriously known to be a liberty dictated by the first amendment. â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,†(A-18 Brinkley) are the famous words of the constitution. Yet, this same law also states that the legislative branch of the U. S. government does not have the authority to favor one religion over the other. In fact, it dictates that the government must remain secular when it comes to the affairs of religion as it cannot respect any one particular religion over another. Thus, there can never be a national religion, an American version of the Anglican Church, as it would hinder the government from preserving the freedom to choose between religions. The other liberties guaranteed by this amendment were the rights of speech, the press, â€Å"or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and petition the Government for a redress of grievances†(A-18 Brinkley). These are all liberties that allow for the citizens of the nation to protest the government. Civilians can protest through their speech, which may hold accusatory claims against the government, in public areas. Americans are allowed the right to publish grievances in the press, free of censorship from a legislative body, as well. These are liberties that allow for organizations to spread information and knowledge over any form of tyranny they may feel the government bestows onto the population. These are also lubricating actions that more easily allow for assemblies to form and confront the government over such issues. Really, the amendment is a formula for allowing the civilian populous to restrain the authority of the government.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Russian Philosophy essays
Russian Philosophy essays While the rest of Europe was advancing culturally as a direct result of the Renaissance, Russia did not reap the same benefits of cultural development. The Mongol occupation in Russia was responsible for the disproportionate growth; because of the ongoing Mongol supression, Russians were not able to prosper culturally to the extent other European countries experienced. Russia did experience their own "renaissance" of sorts in the mid to late 19th century and on into the 20th century. This was characterized by a new way of thinking and viewing the world around them, mostly the Western civilizations. This was known as the "Russian Cultural Renaissance". Nikolai Bernyaev was one of the most prominant figures of the time and was later a leading philosopher of the Russian emmigration. Proffessioanl philosophers appeared in Russia in the 19th century, but it was thanks to Bernyaev and his existentialist attitude that Russia was able to contribute new ideas to world philosophy. Philosophical ideas in Russia rarely matured into well-balanced, self-sufficient systems, because it was the privilege of the State to consummate and elaborate them in a systematic way. The fate of Russian thinkers was to dissolve these ideocratic systems in a stream of capricious, spontaneous, prophetic, existential thinking which attempted to go beyond the systems, to undermine them rather than to consolidate them. Since the official philosophy functioned as a tool of power, it was the task and merit of non-official philosophy to advance anti-totalitarian modes of thinking, deconstructing any possible principle of systematization. In effect, Russia was overpowered by free thinkers once the hold of the czars loosened and communism paved the way for some to view Western society and what it had and was continuing to accomplish. Russia has made up for lost time very quickly, in the time from the Bolshevik Revolution and World War I. Russia continues to develope ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Major General Charles Griffin in the Civil War
Major General Charles Griffin in the Civil War Charles Griffin - Early Life Career: Born December 18, 1825 at Granville, OH, Charles Griffin was the son of Apollos Griffin. Receiving his early education locally, he later attended Kenyon College. Desiring a career in the military, Griffin successfully sought an appointment to the US Military Academy in 1843. Arriving at West Point, his classmates included A.P. Hill, Ambrose Burnside, John Gibbon, Romeyn Ayres, and Henry Heth. An average student, Griffin graduated in 1847 ranked twenty-third in a class of thirty-eight. Commissioned a brevet second lieutenant, he received orders to join the 2nd US Artillery which was engaged in the Mexican-American War. Traveling south, Griffin took part in the final actions of the conflict. Promoted to first lieutenant in 1849, he moved through various assignments on the frontier. Charles Griffin - The Civil War Nears: Seeing action against the Navajo and other Native American tribes in the Southwest, Griffin remained on the frontier until 1860. Returning east with the rank of captain, he assumed a new post as an instructor of artillery at West Point. In early 1861, with the secession crisis pulling the nation apart, Griffin organized an artillery battery comprised of enlisted men from the academy. Ordered south following the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter in April and the beginning of the Civil War, Griffins West Point Battery (Battery D, 5th US Artillery) joined Brigadier General Irvin McDowells forces which were gathering at Washington, DC. Marching out with the army that July, Griffins battery was heavily engaged during the Union defeat at the First Battle of Bull Run and sustained heavily casualties. Charles Griffin - To the Infantry: In the spring of 1862, Griffin moved south as part of Major General George B. McClellans Army of the Potomac for the Peninsula Campaign. During the early part of the advance, he led the artillery attached to Brigadier General Fitz John Porters division of III Corps and saw action during the Siege of Yorktown. On June 12, Griffin received a promotion to brigadier general and took command of an infantry brigade in Brigadier General George W. Morells division of Porters newly-formed V Corps. With the beginning of the Seven Days Battles in late June, Griffin performed well in his new role during the engagements at Gaines Mill and Malvern Hill. With the failure of the campaign, his brigade moved back to northern Virginia but was held in reserve during the Second Battle of Manassas in late August. A month later, at Antietam, Griffins men were again part of the reserve and did not see meaningful action.   Charles Griffin - Divisional Command: That fall, Griffin replaced Morell as division commander. Though possessing a difficult personality that often caused issues with his superiors, Griffin was soon beloved by his men. Taking his new command into battle at Fredericksburg on December 13, the division was one of several tasked with assaulting Maryes Heights. Bloodily repulsed, Griffins men were forced to fall back. He retained command of the division the following year after Major General Joseph Hooker assumed leadership of the army. In May 1863, Griffin took part in the opening fighting at the Battle of Chancellorsville. In the weeks after the Union defeat, he fell ill and was forced to leave his division under the temporary command of Brigadier General James Barnes. During his absence, Barnes led the division at the Battle of Gettysburg on July 2-3. In the course of the fighting, Barnes performed poorly and Griffins arrival in camp during the final stages of the battle was cheered by his men. That fall, he directed his division during the Bristoe and Mine Run Campaigns. With the reorganization of the Army of the Potomac in the spring of 1864, Griffin retained command of his division as leadership of V Corps passed to Major General Gouverneur Warren. As Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant commenced his Overland Campaign that May, Griffins men quickly saw action at the Battle of the Wilderness where they clashed with Lieutenant General Richard Ewells Confederates. Later that month, Griffins division took part in the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House. As the army pushed south, Griffin played at key role at Jericho Mills on May 23 before being present for the Union defeat at Cold Harbor a week later. Crossing the James River in June, V Corps took part in Grants assault against Petersburg on June 18. With the failure of this attack, Griffins men settled into the siege lines around the city. As the summer progressed into fall, his division participated in several operations designed to extend the Confederate lines and sever the railroads into Petersburg. Engaged at the Battle of Peebles Farm in late September, he performed well and earned a brevet promotion to major general on December 12. Charles Griffin - Leading V Corps: In early February 1865, Griffin led his division at the Battle of Hatchers Run as Grant pressed towards the Weldon Railroad. On April 1, V Corps was attached to a combined cavalry-infantry force tasked with capturing the critical crossroads of Five Forks and led by Major General Philip H. Sheridan. In the resulting battle, Sheridan became infuriated with Warrens slow movements and relieved him in favor of Griffin. The loss of Five Forks compromised General Robert E. Lees position in Petersburg and the next day Grant mounted a large scale assault on the Confederate lines forcing them to abandon the city. Ably leading V Corps in the resulting Appomattox Campaign, Griffin aided in pursuing the enemy west and was present for Lees surrender on April 9. With the conclusion of the war, he received a promotion major general on July 12.  Charles Griffin - Later Career:   Given leadership of the District of Maine in August, Griffins rank reverted to colonel in the peacetime army and he accepted command of the 35th US Infantry. In December 1866, he was given oversight of Galveston and the Freedmens Bureau of Texas. Serving under Sheridan, Griffin soon became entangled in Reconstruction politics as he worked to register white and African American voters and enforced the oath of allegiance as a requirement for jury selection. Increasingly unhappy with Governor James W. Throckmortons lenient attitude towards former Confederates, Griffin convinced Sheridan to have him replaced with staunch Unionist Elisha M. Pease.  In 1867, Griffin received orders to replaced Sheridan as commander of the Fifth Military District (Louisiana and Texas). Before he could depart for his new headquarters in New Orleans, he fell ill during a yellow fever epidemic that swept through Galveston. Unable to recover, Griffin died on September 15. His remains were transported north and interred at Oak Hill Cemetery in Washington, DC. Selected Sources TSHA: Major General Charles GriffinHistory Central: Charles GriffinFind a Grave: Charles Griffin
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Initiative to Engage Employees and Reduce Voluntary Turnover Assignment
Initiative to Engage Employees and Reduce Voluntary Turnover - Assignment Example From this paper it is clear that as the CEO, ensuring that the employees need for trust is satisfied, can be achieved through enquiring about the needs of the employees. Failing to be aware of the needs of the employees of the company is not a good thing even though it typically happens. This form of mindset should be shifted immediately in order to ensure that the employee issues are understood.As the discussion stresses as the CEO, the author of the report  would come up with mechanism that will provide information of the aspects that are crucial to the employees and since they may not be willing to provide this information directly to the CEOs office, the avenues for this communication should encourage them to provide information. He would make myself available, as a real human being, associate with the employees and show them that I care in order to make communication smoother with the aim of nurturing trust. In order to satisfy the need of the employees to have hope, as th e CEO, he must maintain a positive work setting that will ensure the work environment is conducive and positive for the employees. This is because the work environment is critical to the motivation and happiness of the employees. the reporter would foster hope in the employees by ensuring that they are happy through giving them freedom and eliminating negativity. Therefore, he would ensure that people with bad attitudes are pulled aside and advised on the values they can change in order to increase positivity in the workplace.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Two discussion questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Two discussion questions - Essay Example An example is firing employees who are involved in the production of company products. Small-scale change is ideal in the case of avoiding conflicts in a firm. Making a small change in the firm will serve to make improvements to a company’s operations, without affecting its overall structure. This has proved as an effective strategy in maintaining standards and quality of most successful organization (Spector, 2010). Large-scale change involves a complete renovation of most if not all of the current factors. For example, a company will seek to change the products it produces; hence, it will renovate the company by introducing new machinery and installing efficient measures of operation such as using computers rather than filing cabinets for storing company data and information. Such change is implemented by companies, which suffer significant losses that affect their mode of operation (Borkowski, 2005). Large scale-change in a company would be applied in phases in order to get rid of the problems that negatively affect the company in bits and pieces. Small and large-scale changes vary depending on the situation, and as a result, they are applied based on preference and analysis of the best alternative. However, small and large-scale changes can be implemented simultaneously. For example, if a company wants to make large-scale changes to the company, the management can apply small-scale changes to achieve a large-scale change (Spector, 2010). The strategy is used as a methodology that will allow individuals to acclimatize (accept) the changes being implemented. A recent change that was applied in my workplace involved the management introducing a computer system that would access employee performance based on their output on a weekly basis (Spector, 2010). This was to be used in determining whether individuals were lazy and underperforming, whether some employees did more work than others and also to find out the employees that
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