Saturday, August 31, 2019
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?
There is strong pressure for individuals to become beautiful and to find a beautiful mate. Every day, people spend time and money to become beautiful. We may not be aware of it but we are likely to have experienced or witnessed how people use time and seem to have insufficient time in making themselves beautiful. Teenage siblings race to use the bathroom first because a sibling takes an hour or more to prepare for school.A range of beauty products clutter the bathroom cabinet or dresser with products used for different parts of the body or for various purposes and applied during the day and at night.Couples pressure each other to hurry up so they would beat rush hour traffic and not be late for work. People put on make-up, shave or brush their teeth while racing in the motorway. Cosmetic surgery has become popular. These are just examples of how people invest time and money to meet the pressure of becoming beautiful. Beauty is also strong consideration in looking for a partner or sel ecting a mate. Physical beauty is the initial determinant of attraction, which determines an individual’s interest in another person. While perceptions of beauty depend on personal taste, social influences can sway choices and outcomes.Even if a person finds someone attractive, if their friends or peers disagree then chances are they will not end up with that person. Acceptance of a partner by their peers is important to individuals. An interesting question is how far individuals consider social influences in selecting their partners and how well social influences on beauty standards in partner selection guarantee a good relationship. External Influences on Individual Perceptions of Beauty Perceptions of beauty that individuals use in finding and selecting a partner depend on external influences.These external influences not only affect ideas of a beautiful partner but also determine how well individuals meet the acceptable standards of a beautiful partner. The media as deter minant of standards of beauty. The media is a social institution that creates ideas of beauty and influences individual self-perception (Engeln-Maddox & Miller, 2008). The media is the biggest source of ideas of beauty expressed through different venues such as print magazines, television commercials or shows, and online programs. Mass accessibility led to the exposure and consumption of media by many people.Media also provides ideas of body image as a standard of beauty (Gallagher & Pecot-Hebert, 2007). Media changes the perception of individuals about themselves to make people desire the ideal standards of appearance and beauty. A study on the impact of media towards focus on appearance and beauty of African American girls showed that the portrayal of women as sex objects led to the greater consciousness and focus on personal appearance (Gordon, 2008). African American girls exposed to media portraying Black women as sex objects and who identified themselves with the characters in the media developed greater focus on their appearance.Media also affects individual ideas of beauty by causing individuals to make self-evaluations of their attractiveness. A research on the link between media, body evaluation and perceptions of attractiveness of college men and women showed that those who had positive evaluations of their bodies relative to media ideals perceived themselves as attractive while those who negatively evaluated their bodies reported negative effects on their self-esteem (Tyler, Lopez & Flores, 2009).The impact of media on individual ideas of beauty depends on internalization of ideal beauty and dissatisfaction with one’s body or looks. Internalization of ideal beauty means its acceptance and pursuit of this beauty standard (Dittmar, Halliwell & Stirling, 2009). The internationalization of thin models as ideal beauty influences decisions to undergo a physical makeover that could include cosmetic surgery (Heyes, 2007). Dissatisfaction with oneâ⠂¬â„¢s physical appearance also reinforces the impact of the ideal beauty on body image and self-perception (Engeln-Maddox, 2006).Culture as determinant of standards of beauty. People pursue standards of beauty prevailing in the culture to which they closely associate (Englis, Solomon & Ashmore, 1994). Having large eyes, breasts or hips depends on the beliefs of what constitutes beauty in women. In Africa, having large hips is beautiful because it represents fertility. In Latin America, women with large hips are beautiful with beauty showcased in dances. Changes in the beauty norms also cause shifts in individual ideas of beauty.Standards of beauty within a cultural context are exemplified by patterns of consumption (Bloch & Richins, 1993). Different types of cosmetics, hair products, and beauty enhancement procedures are popular beauty commodities in different cultures. Innovations in product development, technological tools, and marketing strategies for these products are a contin uous activity to create and meet demand. Peers as determinants of standards of beauty. Peers are agents of socialization (Campbell, 1980). Individuals learn about what constitutes beauty from peers.Individual attitudes and behaviors towards beauty is a reflection of collective ideas of beauty. The extent of association or identification with a peer group leads to a stronger influence on beauty standards (Campbell, 1980). A study on changing racial stereotypes through peer groups showed that exposure to positive stereotypes about African Americans led to the development of positive stereotyping by the group and its individual members (Tan et al. , 2001). People consider and adjust to the attitudes and beliefs of their peer groups on a number of issues including ideal beauty.Peers also influence perceptions of attractiveness of a potential mate. A study of social influences on interpersonal interaction showed that women were influenced by perceptions of their peers over the physical a ttractiveness of men as shown by personal ratings that considered initial feedback from other women (Graziano et al. , 1993). Peer Pressure and Fear of Judgment as Drivers of Likes and Dislikes Peer groups affect individual likes and dislikes by influencing attitudes, beliefs and behaviors toward beauty and related aspects.Peer pressure and fear of judgment are determinants of individual likes and dislikes. Peer pressure. Individuals are susceptible to persuasion in making decisions and doing actions depending on collective attitudes and behavior of peers (Griskevicius, Cialdini & Goldstein, 2008). If most or all peers adopt a similar attitude and behave similarly towards something, the extent of persuasive influence of peers is higher. Peer pressure refers to the psychological strain experienced by individuals when comparing themselves with their peers (Daido, 2006).If there is a significant gap, then a person feels greater pressure to consider and adopt the common beliefs and prac tices of the peer group. Fear of judgment. Fear is an emotional state that has a direct relationship with threat avoidance (Maner & Gerend, 2007). In peer groups, fear could emerge in the form of apprehensions over judgments from peers that affect acceptability and support from the group as well as anticipation of conflict with the group. The fear drives individuals to avoid the cause of the fear.A way of avoiding the outcomes feared is to comply with group peer beliefs and activities. Physical and Inner Beauty Beauty could be visible or non-visible or both (Fatovic-Ferencic, Durrigl & Holubar, 2003) Visible beauty is physical and observable by sight. Non-visible beauty refers to characteristics or values that may not be viewable but observable through personality, attitudes, decisions and behaviors. Physical beauty and inner beauty are interrelated but one component could dominate the other. A person may be beautiful on the outside but not beautiful on the inside.While the common p erception of beauty is as physical attribute, beauty comprises the balance between the physical and non-physical components. Informed judgments. With beauty having physical and non-physical components, making judgments requires knowing someone first. A study on the length of acquaintance with consensus over personality judgments showed that the longer one knows and interacts with a person, the more accurate the personal judgment is with the consensus over the personality judgment (Biesanz, West & Millevoi, 2007).Time is a factor in knowing a person. Judgments on beauty, covering both physical and inner beauty, require time to know a person. Physical beauty can be judged immediately based on first impression but judgments on overall beauty require knowing the individual first. Cognitive autonomy. Decision-making on life-changing personal matters such as having a relationship or selecting a partner are done individually. Although, external influences are important, people should learn to balance autonomous thinking with social influences.Cognitive autonomy is an important quality especially for young people and adults who face difficult life choices. This concept refer to the ability to evaluate ideas, express opinions, make decisions, use comparative assessments, and do self-evaluations (Beckert, 2007). Developing cognitive autonomy enables individuals to balance personal preferences with external influences. Self-efficacy. Individuals have varying needs and objectives. Although external feedback can help individuals, developing self-efficacy is important for individuals to make a plan and act to achieve their own goals.Individuals have a close understanding of what they want to achieve and self-efficacy is the factor that mediates planning and goal fulfillment (Lippke et al. , 2009). Other people may not have the same extent of understanding of the person’s goals and plans. The plan to enter into a relationship is achievable through self-efficacy. The C urrent Study The study will investigate the concept of beauty, including the distinction of inner and outer beauty, based on the perspectives of a representative sample of senior students at the university.Views and experiences of the pressures of being beautiful and finding the perfect partner based on standards of beauty will also be gathered. The study will then determine the extent that individuals weigh personal taste and social ideals of beauty, particularly peer influences, in finding the perfect partner and the extent that the balance contributes to the success in finding the perfect mate. Hypotheses 1. University students achieve greater balance between personal taste and social ideals of beauty in finding a life partner when beauty is considered as having inner and outer components.2. A balance between personal taste and social ideals of beauty contributes to the greater success in finding a partner. Method Participants The participants will be 60 randomly selected senior students at the university, evenly distributed between males and females. Senior students are those currently enrolled and expected to graduate after completing the current semester and one more semester. Senior university students will be selected as participants because they are likely to encounter the issue of finding a perfect partner as they near graduation and while establishing their careers.Having males and females as participants would determine any differences between perceptions of beauty, pressure of achieving beauty, and selection of the perfect life partner based on beauty. The participants have to bring with them two of their closest peers to provide an assessment of the physical attributes and perceived personality typology of partner choices. The selection of the respondents will be made by coordinating with the school registry to identify senior university students. Of the list obtained, 30 males and 30 females will be randomly selected.They will be contacted to se ek their permission and schedule a session together with two of their closest friends to participate in the quasi-experiment and answer the questionnaire. Those selected who refused to participate will be replaced by randomly selecting from the list until 60 respondents are completed. Materials The data collection instrument is a structured questionnaire with closed questions requiring the selection of a range of answers including yes/no, ranking a list of items, selecting a single answer from a given list, and rating based on extent of agreement or disagreement.The questions or statements cover the four topics on concept of beauty, pressures of being beautiful, finding a lifetime partner based on personal and/or peer ideas of beauty, and extent that personal and/or peer ideals of beauty contribute to the success in finding the perfect partner. Procedure The quasi-experiment will start with the selected participants going over pictures with basic information and personality descript ions of thirty men for women participants and thirty women for male participants. The graduation pictures of individuals wearing togas will be taken from yearbooks to control other visual factors such as clothing.The pictures will be selected to consider diverse physical and personality attributes based on the yearbook descriptions. The respondents will be asked to select one person from the set of pictures as a potential partner. They will rate the physical attributes and perceived personality traits of the person in the picture. Their friends will view the pictures, select one picture they think is the perfect partner for their friend, and rate the physical features and perceived personality type. The participant will be shown the choice of their peers and explanations for the choice.The participants are given the chance to decide whether to retain their choice or select the choice of their peers. Regardless of their choice, the participants will be asked to answer the questionnai re. The responses will be analyzed using descriptive statistics to summarize responses, t-test to determine differences in responses as influenced by gender, and correlation to determine the relationship between variables. References Beckert, T. (2007). Cognitive autonomy and self-evaluation in adolescence: A conceptual investigation and instrument. North American Journal of Psychology, 9(3), 579-594.Biesanz, J. , West, S. , & Millevoi, A. (2007). What do you learn about someone over time? The relationship between length of acquaintance and consensus and self–other agreement in judgments of personality. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(1), 119-135. Bloch, P. , & Richins, M. (1993). Attractiveness, adornments, and exchange. Psychology & Marketing, 19(6), 467-470. Campbell, B. (1980). A theoretical approach to peer influence in adolescent socialization. American Journal of Political Science, 24(2), 324-344. Dittman, H. , Halliwell, E. , & Stirling, E.(2009). Und erstanding the impact of thin media models on women’s body-focused affect: The roles of thin-ideal internalization and weight-related self-discrepancy activation in experimental exposure effects. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 28(1), 43-72. Engeln-Maddox, R. (2006). Buying a beauty standard or dreaming of a new life? Expectations associated with media ideals. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 30(1), 258-266. Engeln-Maddox, R. (2008). Talking back to the media ideal: The development and validation of the critical processing of beauty images scale.Psychology of Women Quarterly, 32(1), 159-171. Englis, B. , Solomon, M. , & Ashmore, R. (1994). Beauty before the eyes of beholders: The cultural encoding of beauty types in magazine advertising and music television. Journal of Advertising, 23(2), 46-94. Fatovic-Ferencic, S. , Durrigl, M. , & Holubar, K. (2003). Beauty: Soul or surface?. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 2(2), 82-85. Gallagher, A. , & Pecot-Hebert, L. (2007). â€Å"You need a makeover! †: The social construction of female body image in A Makeover Story, What Not to Wear, and Extreme Makeover.Popular Communication, 5(1), 57-79. Gordon, M. (2008). Media contributions to African American girls’ focus on beauty and appearance: Exploring the consequences of sexual objectification. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 32(1), 245-256. Graziano, W. , Jensen, Campbell, L. , Shebilske, L. , & Lundgren, S. (1993). Social influence, sex differences, and judgments of beauty: Putting the interpersonal back in interpersonal attraction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65(3), 522-531. Griskevicius, V. , Cialdini, R. , & Goldstein, N. (2008).Applying (and resisting) peer influence. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(2), 84-88. Heyes, C. (2007). Cosmetic surgery and the televisual makeover: A Foucauldian feminist reading. Feminist Media Studies, 7(1), 17-32. Lippke, S. , Wiedmann, A. , Ziegelmann, J. , Reuter, T. , & Schwarzer, R. (2009) . Self-efficacy moderates the mediation of intentions into behavior via plans. American Journal of Health Behavior, 33(5), 521-529. Maner, J. , & Gerend, M. (2007). Motivationally selective risk judgments: Do fear and curiosity boost the boons or the banes?.Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, 103(2), 256-267. Tan, A. , Tan, G. , Avdeyeva, T. , Crandall, H. , Fukushi, Y. , Nyandwi, A. , Chin, H. , Wu, C. , & Fujioka, Y. (2001). Changing negative racial stereotypes: The influence of normative peer information. The Howard Journal of Communications, 12(3), 171-180. Tyler, K. , Lopez, S. , & Flores, L. (2009). The media, body evaluation, and perceptions of physical attractiveness among college-aged women and men. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 14(1), 25-33.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Sfi ( Students’ Federation of India )
Students Federation of India (SFI) is one of the major student organisations in India. Founded in 1970, it is the students' wing of the Communist Party of India (Marxist). As of 2012, it claims a membership strength of nearly 40 lakhs school and university students. [1] SFI is currently led at the All India level by Ritabrata Banrjee, General Secretary and V. Sivadassan, President.Being the students wing of the , the Students’ Federation of India, abbreviated SFI, carries forward the heritage of the progressive student movement of our country, which has always considered itself an inseparable part of the broader struggle for social transformation. It is this legacy that the Students’ Federation of India holds aloft in its slogan of â€Å"Independence, Democracy, and Socialism! †The SFI believes that education is a major tool of social transformation and that this concept is especially relevant in a country like India, where regressive forces still prevail. Proper education, they believe, will counteract such forces and will help to build a new society based on rationality and justice. The SFI is an organization of students which is ever aware of its role in society. It identifies with a society's progressive forces and is totally committed to the idea of independence, democracy, and socialism.The following has been stated as the objective of the SFI in its Political program[2] 1. The Students’ Federation of India takes upon itself the task of organizing the students in schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions of the country and also Indian students studying abroad under its banner to build a powerful and well-knit student movement for the upliftment and betterment of the student community 2.The Students’ Federation of India fights for the realisation of its aim to establish a democratic, scientific, secular and progressive educational system ensuring education and job for all that calls for the implem entation of comprehensive land reforms, elimination of the stranglehold of international finance capital and indigenous monopoly capitalism. The Students’ Federation of India aims to accomplish this by organizing the student community in the struggles of the wider democratic movement of the workers, peasants, and other progressive forces . The Students’ Federation of India as a forward-looking and progressive student organization shall inscribe on its banner, â€Å"Independence, Democracy and Socialism†. It is with this perspective that Students’ Federation of India is committed to strive for a society free from all exploitation. It shall fight all such alien trends and tendencies that are disruptive of our struggle for the emancipation of our people and country 4.The Students’ Federation of India will continuously work to ensure all necessary facilities for complete and meaningful education – hostel, library and laboratory, sports and games , athletics and physical training, culture and entertainment, and other educative and social activities – that will be adequate and within the reach of all students. The Students’ Federation of India will continuously fight for the attainment of all just and democratic rights of students.It will fight and work for the right of students to democratic and independent expression and conduct, to form unions and associations, to assemble, to participate in the management of educational institutions and in all activities connected with the academic and other aspects of student life. The Students’ Federation of India will strive to develop the Students’ urge for more and more knowledge and to inculcate among students the practice of self-education and self-discipline.The Students’ Federation of India will further strive to develop close-knit relations between teachers, non-teaching staff, guardians, students and the rest of the academic community, and fos ter mutual respect and regard between them. The Students’ Federation of India will untiringly resist any attempt to drive a wedge between the students and the rest of the academic community. It will also oppose all attempts to alienate the student community from other democratic and toiling sections of our people. 5.The Students’ Federation of India, while stressing the duty and necessity of the student community for diligent and industrious study of the humanities and the sciences to equip themselves with adequate knowledge and enlightenment, simultaneously seeks to encourage and promote their thirst for political and social knowledge and consciousness. The students should thus be adequately prepared, on leaving school or college, to play their rightful role as conscious citizens of this fast changing society of our times. 6.The Students’ Federation of India pledges to fight for equality of all, irrespective of religion, caste, gender, language, and race and as part of this struggle, commits to fight for the empowerment of the disadvantaged classes, castes, tribes and communities, the women, and other marginalized sections of the society and for the protection of the rights of the linguistic, ethnic, racial, religious and other minorities. The Students’ Federation of India upholds the constitutionally guaranteed rights for minorities to run and manage educational institutions in the country.However it should be ensured that these institutions are not run with a commercial motive to earn profits and misutilised for spreading irrational and fundamentalist ideology. 7. The Students’ Federation of India stands firmly in defense of secularism, the complete separation of state and polity from religion. The Students’ Federation of India declares its uncompromising opposition to all forms of religious fundamentalism, bigotry and communalism, and pledges to fight against all forms of communal violence, terror, and in particula r communal fascism.The communal forces divide the student community thus weakening their struggles for educational and employment rights. The Students’ Federation of India unflinchingly confronts all attempts to destroy the unity of the students and the people at large on religious and communal lines and with unfailing sincerity addresses itself to the task of promoting communal harmony and patriotic unity of the people against the anti-national forces of communalism. 8.Students Federation of India is strongly opposed to all forms of gender discrimination and oppression in every sphere of life. The prevalence of age-old evil traditions like sati and dowry portray the deplorable condition of women in our country. It commits to fight all patriarchal values and practices which draw their basis both from the remnants of feudal relations, outmoded ways of thought, and from the commodification of women under capitalism. SFI shall fight for the emancipation of women and demands equa lity of access to education for girls.SFI stands and strives for a progressive and gender sensitive ethos and curriculum. 9. The Students’ Federation of India is vehemently opposed to all forms of caste discrimination and oppression. SFI strives to eradicate the inhuman practice of untouchability, all forms of social oppression and fights for the abolition of caste system. It supports reservations for the dalits, the adivasis and other backward castes and communities in the area of education and employment, and demands its extension to the private sector too.The Students’ Federation of India is of the considered opinion that other forms of deprivation like economic, regional, and gender-wise backwardness should also be taken into account in providing reservations. It also raises its voice for the fulfillment of the existing stipulation of reservations and new provisions wherever required for all other disadvantaged categories (physically challenged, etc. ). 10.The Stud ents’ Federation of India staunchly opposes all kinds of narrow, separatist parochialism and chauvinism, be it on linguistic, provincial, regional, or ethnic lines. The Students’ Federation of India strives for a democratic realignment of power between the Union and the state governments with emphasis on decentralization of power to strengthen the federal character of the nation in order to safeguard national unity and to ensure balanced development.The Students’ Federation of India fully supports the developmental aspirations, both material and cultural, of the various nationalities in the Indian Union within the territorial integrity of the country and extends full cooperation to their legitimate and democratic struggles against the oppressive and authoritarian policies of the State. 11. The socially unplanned and uncontrolled capitalist path of development with the sole objective of reckless profiteering has precipitated dangerous environmental degradation.Th e Students’ Federation of India is committed to environment-friendly development and will strive along with progressive peoples’ movements for protection and sustenance of environment. 12. The cultural diversity of our country is facing multi-pronged attacks. On one hand the onslaught of market-oriented consumerist values is deforming our cultural foundations while on the other hand aggressive communalism is seeking to impose a Manuvadi cultural hierarchy in the name of ‘cultural nationalism’.The Students’ Federation of India firmly resists all attempts to mutilate the mosaic of our varied and pluralistic culture while firmly rejecting the influence of the colonial-feudal culture. It stands committed to steadfastly promote development of people’s culture based on modern, scientific progressive and humanitarian values. 13. The Students’ Federation of India works towards protecting identity, languages and culture of indigenous, tribal co mmunities while fighting against their exploitation and dispossession for their overall development and helping them to integrate with the mainstream social life.At the same time, the Students’ Federation of India struggles for the development of education, welfare and integrity of tribes by defending their rights. The rights of the tribal people should be protected according to the Schedules V and VI of the Constitution of India, especially at a time of intensifying attack of imperialist globalisation. 14. The Students’ Federation of India is committed to strengthen the mass democratic movement in our country in order to advance the struggle for socio-economic emancipation of the people.The Students’ Federation of India, along with other progressive forces, stands committed to fight against the stranglehold of feudal and casteist values and rituals that severely impair the advancement of democratic consciousness among the masses. A radical social reform movemen t together with the fight against feudal land relations along with other democratic and progressive forces is an important part of Students’ Federation of India’s agenda to develop democratic consciousness among the vast toiling sections. 15.The Students’ Federation of India as an organization and movement inspired by anti-imperialist, democratic, and socialist ideas, is pledged to combat the onslaught of imperialist globalization and domination in all areas of student and public life. The Students’ Federation of India simultaneously is pledged to protect the unity and integrity of our country from the onslaught of communal and separatist forces. It extends its solidarity to all the progressive forces of the world fighting for freedom, independence, territorial integrity, democracy, and socialism against imperialist aggression.The Students’ Federation of India is committed to work in close coordination with all the progressive, democratic, and soci alist forces around the world and earnestly work for building a powerful international Student movement in defense of world peace, independence, democracy and socialism against imperialism. 16. The Students’ Federation of India seeks to establish warm and friendly relations with all other organizations and associations of students, youth and the academic community, which are pledged to work for independence, secularism, democracy, peace, and socialism.It is prepared to unite with all those who are willing to join hands with it on specific issues and demands, and jointly act with them for the redress of the Students’ grievances. 17. The Students’ Federation of India places this programme before the student community and calls upon the students, youth, women, middle classes, peasants, workers and all other forces interested in the democratic advancement of our country to unite for the fulfillment of these tasks and join hands to build a prosperous life for all our people.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Motivating Employees Simulation Essay
Attrition is something that a company may experience at any time with or without notice. The company must be prepared when such a situation arises within their organization. During the interview process, key questions can be asked in order to understand the thought process of the interviewee. These questions can be related to future plans, past employment and details about specific duties the job requires. Questions relating to future plans will give the company a general idea on how long the potential employee plans on staying with the company. If they have other goals that do not meet the company expectations, this could be a sign of them using the position as a stepping stone to a better opportunity. Past employment details can show loyalty to a company. If the interviewee has moved from job to job in a short amount of time, this may display a lack of commitment and potential issues within the workplace. When asking about past employment, talk about reasons for leaving each company. This will give insight to their leaving and whether they may be a good fit. The last topic to discuss would be about specific job duties that the employee will be executing. This will give them a glimpse into the working environment and how the operation of the company works. The employee and the company will then be able to use this information and decide whether they feel each party will be satisfied with the position. During the interview and hiring process, the company will need to decide on whether they will use selection tests and other techniques to get information about the candidate. From the simulator, it did not appear that Magic Graffix was using reference checks during the hiring process. The use of reference checks, preferably professional, will allow for the company to get information from previous employers about the job performance of the candidate. It can provide information about rewards, promotions and whether or not the performance was satisfactory. By utilizing this tool, Magic Graffix can differentiate between strong and weak candidates. Another test that can be used is a job skills test. Given that the company will be hiring for a new sector, they will want to hire experienced employees that require little or no training. Software development is a highly skilled job and a job skills test will allow the company to consider highly qualified candidates. Training can be an additional cost to the company; therefore, limiting the amount needed at time of hire will add money to the bottom profit line. In a company, it is important to provide feedback to the employees about how their job performance has been over an extended period of time. This feedback will allow for the company to share the positives and negatives regarding work related performance. There are many different ways to provide this information to the employees. Two methods that can be used are behavior-oriented rating methods and results-oriented rating methods. â€Å"Behavior-oriented rating methods focus on employee behaviors, either by comparing the performance of employees to that of other employees or by evaluating each employee in terms of performance standards without reference to others. Results-oriented rating methods place primary emphasis on what an employee produces; dollar volume of sales, number of units produced, and number of wins during a baseball season are examples.†(Cascio, 2005) Within each of these methods, there are different appraisal techniques that can be used. Work planning and review will help the company identify goals attained, problems encountered and the need for training over the given time period. This method will allow the company to set goals for their employees and accountability can be more accurately measured. Although this can be a time consuming method, it will ensure proper follow up and can set guidelines for training programs. Training opportunities will be easily identified through attainability of measurable goals. A behavioral checklist can be used to give a clear comparison across the employees. Scores will be given based on performance and job analysis. These scores can then be compared with their peers to see where opportunities can be addressed. If employees are scoring low, training can be delegated to improve performance. Questions can be asked on specific job requirements and answers will be given in the form of either always, very often, fairly often, occasionally and never. Each category will hold a numerical value and then the total number will give the employee their rating. Another form of appraisal is ranking. â€Å"Simple ranking requires only that a rater order all employees from highest to lowest, from â€Å"best†employee to â€Å"worst†employee.†(Cascio, 2005) This form can be good for making comparisons; however, it will provide very little feedback on a given individual. The best tool for Magic Graffix to use would be work planning and review. Although this will require intense and repeated follow-up, it will give the company an opportunity to identify training and development opportunities. Through the results of the Employment Satisfaction Survey, training concerns were high among all groups of workers. By setting attainable goals and properly measuring output, the company can identify the needs and have a faster resolution time. Magic Graffix is looking to expand their company and hire new talent to help them achieve this goal. Proper interview and recruitment techniques will need to be used in order to make sure only the highly qualified candidates get hired. Development of a performance appraisal plan will need to be implemented. This will allow for proper follow up and help identify opportunities in training and development. Magic Graffix is on track to succeed in their new venture as long as they continue to keep morale high and attrition low. References Cascio, Wayne F. (2005). Managing Human Resources. Chapter 9: Performance Management. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, HRM/558 website. ISBN: 9780072987324
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The Aesthetics of Parent-Child Shared Reading Wordless Storybooks Research Paper
The Aesthetics of Parent-Child Shared Reading Wordless Storybooks - Research Paper Example Scholars have attached more value to quality reading rather than quantity of reading at the elementary level of learning, and more parent-engaging strategies to cultivate a child’s aesthetic abilities. The purpose of this research is to investigate the extent to which parent-child shared reading influences the aesthetic ability of a child.In this case, the research will focus on the application of parent-child shared reading of a wordless book, or rather a book that has no words but only contains images and a non-verbal gestures (Tompkins, 2007: Wasik, 2010). By measuring the participation of a parent in this a child’s learning experience and observing the child’s engagement in play, role play, drama, relationship with peers, it is possible to assess the influence of a child-parent shared reading in a child’s learning abilities. ... oo (2013), children find it a complex matter to decode the message in a wordless book and while the book may amuse them, they may end up without grasping the intended meaning in the pictography. In addition, parents disregard the picture story books and pay more attention to the worded books; a matter that often suppresses the child’s learning abilities as they get to elementary schools (Wolfeand Flewitt, 2010). Consequently, the child’s performance is limited and their optimal productivity cannot be tapped, an issue that concerns every society that has value for civilization in the society (Schickedanz, & McGee, 2010: Teale, Hoffman & Paciga, 2010).). By investigating the efficiency of parent-child shared reading of wordless books would help in boosting this habit within families and consequently contribute to the development of instructional methods at the elementary level. According to Koshy (2009), research is one of the most powerful tools in curriculum development strategy. Purpose of the Research General Objectives To investigate the effectiveness of parent-child shared reading in developing aesthetic abilities in a child’s learning. To investigate the key virtues of Parent-Child shared learning that are critical in development of child’s aesthetic abilities. Specific Objectives To conduct an interview for a mother and her child and their experience in shared reading. To observe the child free play, role play, drawings and interaction with its peers. To analyze the progress of the child’s learning abilities change within a period of one year of shared reading. To draw conclusions and design recommendable shared-reading strategies that can improve a child’s aesthetic abilities. Research Hypothesis This research seeks to test the hypothesis that states
Praxis of Pastoral Counseling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Praxis of Pastoral Counseling - Essay Example As the essay outlines since individuals today are faced with major problems concerning their social status, it could not be avoided that most issues that are presented to the counselors are involved with the inability of the individuals to gain the things that they ought to gain from the society. Aside from this, the fact that the thoughts of human philosophy are not in full accordance with the principles of the Bible, Christian Counseling faces so much issues as to how it is considered effective by individuals who are expecting counseling assistance. This paper discusses that the crisis in counseling procedures especially that of the Christian-based procedure of counseling is mainly focused on the practicality and the effectiveness of the said process of counseling. The fact that Christian Counseling is based upon the principles of the Holy Scriptures, and that not so many people believe in the power of the Bible nowadays, questions the power of the word of God to actually aid e individuals with their personal issues and thus be able to solve the said problems in a  more practical and effective procedure. However, through the effective application of the principles of the Bible in actual counseling procedures, these questions could be answered and thus prove the fact that the counsel from God’s word is indeed effective and useful for every believer of the truth. Counselors are expected to have a special concern on how others are feeling. The emotional display of the situation that they are currently dealing with should be immediately noticed by the counselors. This ability is not at all innate.... g is to have faith that these particular guidance assistances could lead to the betterment of the situations that each individual deals with at present. While God is not at this time performing such direct miracles, Christians today find that if they 'do not waver in a lack of faith,' they, too, can enjoy success when they apply God's direction. Said Jesus: "All things can be to one if one has faith."(Mark 9:23) Since individuals today are faced with major problems concerning their social status, it could not be avoided that most issues that are presented to the counselors are involved with the inability of the individuals to gain the things that they ought to gain from the society (Culbertson, 2000, 10). Aside from this, the fact that the thoughts of human philosophy are not in full accordance with the principles of the Bible, Christian Counseling faces so much issues as to how it is considered effective by individuals who are expecting counseling assistance. (Culbertson, 2000, 262) The crisis in counseling procedures especially that of the Christian-based procedure of counseling is mainly focused on the practicality and the effectiveness of the said process of counseling. The fact that Christian Counseling is based upon the principles of the Holy Scriptures, and that not so many people believe in the power of the Bible nowadays, questions the power of the word of God to actually aide individuals with their personal issues and thus be able to solve the said problems in a more practical and effective procedure. However, through the effective application of the principles of the Bible in actual counseling procedures, these questions could be answered and thus prove the fact that the counsel from God's word is indeed effective and useful for every believer of the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The Technology of Netflix Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Technology of Netflix - Research Paper Example There are not many companies properly involved in the online renting of movies. Moreover, Netflix plays by keeping its cost low as it tries to attract customers to frequently use its services instead of getting movies from stores or going to cinemas. Analysts believe that Netflix is now facing a tough competition in the face of other companies such as Amazon and Apple, which have also started to provide online movie services at an affordable rate. Furthermore, the cost differentiation strategy used by Netflix has been pretty successful is retaining â€Å"frequent watchers†who use the service frequently. Alongside, the company’s differentiation strategy has allowed it to get accessed by customers who avoid going to stores and want to watch movies from the comfort of their homes. Porter’s Five Forces model was discovered in 1979 by Mr. Michael E. Porter of Harvard Business School. This model is used to give five factors that can be used to determine the stage of rivalry within a business. This would subsequently be used to determine the attractiveness of a market. Market attractiveness can be understood in terms of the overall profit levels achieved by an industry. To start off, Porter’s Five Forces model consists of the following five forces, namely threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of customers, the threat of substitutes and competitive rivalry in an industry. The application of each of these factors to Netflix will now be done to show how this business model works. The easier it is for new corporations to come into in the same business line as Netflix, the tougher would the competitive environment be. For any competitor to start up an online movie rental company, it would require enormous sums of money. Considering the amount of investments that would need to be made in setting contracts
Monday, August 26, 2019
Conducting Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Conducting Market - Essay Example The aim in conducting market research is to clearly establish the awareness in the consumers as well as, increase their knowledge so as to influence the decision making and perceptions towards the product presented. In this respect, the course of this study proved notably very key in its focus. Notably, the study focused completely on the product, which is space tourism. The study identified that the consumer needs to have the expected awareness, of the product. Thus, the study focused on establishing the existing awareness of the product among the consumers, then proceeded accordingly, to evaluate the market and its coverage. The study proved very enlightening to my knowledge, particularly on the existence of space tourism, which incorporates taking ride on a hot air balloon, to view the earth surface from above. This essay stresses that in contribution to my knowledge on market research, I observe that the structure and procedure of the study is accurately focused on the target market and specially tailored to address the key factors in the market. For instance, it initiated my feelings towards preparing to participate in a space tour at a point in my life. This reflects the influence of the study on my decision making towards the product. In this respect, marketing research achieves the purpose to create awareness as well as, increase knowledge on consumers; hence, influencing their decision making towards the product offered in the market.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
FMRI ( T) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
FMRI ( T) - Essay Example Therefore, it is needed to be avoided for preventing the future banking crisis. For this purpose, the proposals have been suggested in the second part of the paper. It is suggested that the division of bank into commercial and investment banking has fewer risks and it is a desirable option in contrast to the unified banking which is more risky but fostered more growth of the banks. The paper is meant to discuss the serious issue of banking crisis and suggest ways to mitigate the chance of future economic crisis globally. For this purpose, the paper covers two major sections in which the first part explains the term systemic risk and systemically important financial institutions. However, the second part describes and evaluates various proposals for introducing banking reforms concerned with the separation of the commercial banking and investment banking sector. The systemic risk can be defined as the condition in which the entire financial setup receives a major setback (Cox, & Larsen, 2011). It can be contrasted to the risk of damage done to the one financial aspect only and implies the collapse of a whole financial system. In other words, it is the major financial downfall which results from the various external and internal causes. It has also been described as the financial instability or disruption of a financial system which is generally catastrophic in nature. Hendricks (2009) has defined systemic risk in following words: "A systemic risk is the risk of a phase transition from one equilibrium to another, much less optimal equilibrium, characterized by multiple self-reinforcing feedback mechanisms making it difficult to reverse." The definition given above used theoretical terms to explain the concept of systemic risk and does not include economic terms in it. However, it suggests that systemic risk is the type of risk which can occur when a particular change occurs in terms of a transition from one phase to
Saturday, August 24, 2019
How Can We Improve Child Care Safety in the United States Research Paper
How Can We Improve Child Care Safety in the United States - Research Paper Example As a result, children spend more time outside home rather than with their parents. Most of the child care service providers in the US operate under unlicensed and unchecked contexts where the caregivers often lack formal training in the discipline. Since these services are more convenient and less expensive for the parents, they prefer sending their children to neighborhood childcare centers. There have been many well documented cases of children getting injured while in day care centers including falls, poisoning, drowning, electric shock, and so on (Runyan and Gray et al., 1991). A large number of children attend organized group child care and a significant number of them get injuries while in the day care. Hence, the safety of children in child care has become a public health concern. After the instance of child care issues and safety concerns, several legislative efforts have been made. Although no formal federal regulations existed previously except for a few centers, regulation s and licensing procedures now exist to provide a standard for child care center and their safety. Several bodies of pediatricians and other social workers exist that work to improve the safety and standards of child care. ... egivers therefore they must be trained in order to educate and aid healthy growth of children (â€Å"Stepping Stones to Caring for Our Children†, 2013). Advocacy Efforts Several legislative efforts were made since the documentation of child care injuries and diseases in day care centers. Now child care laws and licensing regulations and standards exist. These provide specific rules and requirements for quality standards and licensing of child care centers. Each state has a different rule or procedure for child care even though most of these regulations coincide. The government of US has defined a broad set of disease and injury prevention improvements, medication requirements, and so on, as a general policy. The US government also raises child care awareness among people, aids research and publication in the field, and funds the training of child care professionals (Office of Child Care, 2013). Although the US government has been keen on financing early child care and developm ent, several public notions has inhibited the thoughtful federal government gesture. Many people believe that raising their own child is a matter between the parents and the child and therefore should involve no government intervention. Also, a public view which supports only mother care is against the federal financing of child care. Such attitudes towards government financing of child care has obstructed the consistency of federal financing. However, such values have shown a decline particularly after the increase of employed women in the US workforce (Cohen, 1996). Initially, only state governments enforced child care laws except a few federally regulated child care centers (Runyan and Gray et al., 1991). Now, the US government has its own separate Office for Child Care that provides guidelines
Friday, August 23, 2019
This assignment allows you to determine the specific details about the Essay
This assignment allows you to determine the specific details about the fictitous company in order to conduct an environmental scan of this company - Essay Example The two owners take care of the managerial aspects of the business, including financial forecasting; accounting and dealing with suppliers and buyers (there are no other salaried employees). Right now the business is facing great competition from rival manufacturers. As the operation is relatively small, producing only 6,000 units of output per month, they cannot enjoy economies of scale that are available to larger manufacturers, these manufacturers also have more clout over their suppliers (or have integrated backward operations) allowing for a lower cost of raw material which translates into lower prices for their customers. Similarly, challenging is the inflow of imported manufacturing parts from economies like China, Japan and Germany which can compete at prices lower than local prices. Government policies enhancing free trade and lowering of trade quotas means that without legislative protection, they have to introduce more efficient and effective ways of processing if the business is to remain afloat. The relative competitiveness in the market along with threat of new (more powerful) entrants will decide whether the business can continue to run or will have to be shut down. With the recession of 2008, the economy took a severe downturn and because of financial security concerns, the banks were reluctant to hand out loans to small businesses. The two partners started their business on self finance and in order to introduce new technology or managerial staff to run their business they will need more resources than they have on hand. Their focus for the past few months has been to form strong relationships with their current customers, including car dealerships, repair shops and the used car market, through strategic marketing and PR platforms. But at the moment they cannot gain customers in the car manufacturing sector as they don’t have the capacity to bring in large orders of
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Violent media Essay Example for Free
Violent media Essay Violence is the act of injuring and killing someone. Exposure of young people to the media violence makes them to be more violent and this will be highly seen when they become adults. Children can watch movies in the television that may influence them negatively. The cartoon violence and the violence committed by real people are different. Movies will also consume productive time for the children. Instead of doing other productive work like reading children may spend a lot of time watching television. Programs in the television are addictive hence most people especially the children spend most of their time watching them. This also kills the persons, abilities to articulate any issue which relates to their life. There is also the tendency of the young people to be ineffective in solving any problem which they encounter in the real point of view. They instead attend to it as per the said actions in the media programs. This is a very serious issue which need to be addressed and adequate measures taken to get a permanent solution of the matter. There are several instances of psychological torture as a result of the video games, TV, films, and even music. People need to concentrate on the effective management and control of the accessibility of the violent media so as to build the effectiveness of personal performance (Ruben, 2006). Discussion TV contains programs that can be watched by children. These programs may include cartoon network. Cartoons can be educational as well as entertaining to children. Children can be entertained by watching TV. This cuts the cost of buying entertainment material by parents who would not have afforded them. Entertainment can be music, movies and plays. Type of music a child watches may influence his or her character. Music available in TV can be of different types that is gospel music, rock, pop, jazz, hip hop and many other types. Watching music can inspire a child to like music and may want to pursue that career later in life. These are some positive attributes of watching TV and other media which are not violent. Control should be exercised in a manner which ensures that the children and other people have access to the media which do not instill violence in them or any kind of behavior which is not appropriate to them. The society we live in is totally polluted with such issues which do not assist the inhabitants hence the resulting case is the one of violence as per what they get from the media. Utilization of adequate measures which are not restraining is very important. Media plays a major role in the passing of information to all the viewers but others love irrelevant scenes which do not help them but instead destroy their well being. A human beings psychology is very important and should be adequately feed with information which is positive in the ways of living. Contrary to this is very disastrous and a person will be affected negatively. The thinking of a person will be seriously affected as a result what is obtained from the media (Perse, 2001). Media Violence is also aired in television and it negatively affect in the young children. Exposure of young people to the media violence makes them to be more violent and this will be highly seen when they become adults. Violence is the act of injuring and killing someone. Children can watch movies in the television that may influence them negatively. The cartoon violence and the violence committed by real people are different. The cartoon violence does not have much effect as compared to the actual violence committed by real people as they seem unrealistic. Young people develop such unrealistic attitudes of approaching and solving problems encountered. The society as well is not convincing as such hence there is need for the society to address such problems. The people who encounter these issues are the young who do not know how to control such matters hence they have the psychological torture. There is need for the young to be under critical check-out for any issue which will enable them access the media which is not violent. This will enable them facilitate the media content well with their way of life. This will help them stay connected with the reality other than the media misconceptions which does not help them at all in the real life situations. Other TV channels may air movies which have some sexual and violence scenes. When children watch this kind of movies, their behavior is greatly influenced hence their thinking is also adversely affected. This has great effects to the children throughout their lives which are not appropriate since they will not act accordingly. This is further indicated on the future growth of the children when they are grown ups as they execute things which in an inappropriate manner. Watching violent movies may make children act violently. This influence the way they relate with people and the way they think. They may also end up earning a living from actions which are not worthwhile and not according to the laid down societal norms and the existing laws (Wilkins Christians, 2009). Horror movies may instill fear in children. This also affects them throughout their lives and in the way they view things. They will always be on the negative or unique and most weird position in addressing their issues and attending to their daily duties. Media can be such destructive to the viewers especially those who are not able to control what they want from it. Violent media is not appropriate to the people who are easily moved by the actions as they will put such in practice without their actual realization. It’s important for all the people to take charge of their access to media so as to avoid those which are violent. The people who are keen of that music which are very emotional also are at risk since their actions will be measured by how much they believe in the media. If they put all their trust in the media, then they will be acting as per what they get from it. There should be adequate care and control over the access to the media. Movies will also consume productive time for the children. Instead of doing other productive work like reading children may spend a lot of time watching television. Programs in the television are addictive and there should be appropriate measures which should be taken for the children to adequately in check and operating within the programs which can be productive to them. It can make someone forget everything when being aired since they concentrate so much on them without actually taking care of what they should be attending to at their time. It causes what we call zombie in children. They should be made to watch those programs that are good for them at all times. Care and control should be excised over the media access by the children as it will enable them get accessed to what is relevant to their age. There should also be those which are very educative so as to instill knowledge and creativity to them. This is very important as the children’s mind is very young and needs to be build-up in the appropriate manner. The kind of media access should be regulated to those which fits every person and the age limits of all the people so as to discourage the bad and disturbing networks and programs (Freedman, 2002). Children should be encouraged to watch good programs in television because they are educational as well as entertaining. Parents should choose the programs that are to be watched by their children. This is important as it will allow only good programs to be watched. Children should not be allowed programs and songs that may contain some sexual and violence scenes. Watching these programs may affect them later in their lives. Horror movies may make children terrified which may affect them negatively throughout their lives (Kirsh, 2006). Research has been conducted on the degree of violence before and after the introduction of television. It was found that after the introduction of television, people have become more violent. This is due to the exposure to the violent media. People tend to apply to their real life what was done on the movie. It may even make one to be remorseful when they do something bad. This is very bad and it injures the viewers yet it does suppose to be entertainment on their part. Applying such acts is very destructive to an individual and to other people as well as there has to be some one to fell the impact. People need to be educated about the contents of the media. There is need to inform them that its being acted by people like them and its meant for entertainment not to be implemented in real life situations. The films can be so divisive to the viewers and hence the power of information is important on the meaning of the media content so as no to affect the people psychologically (Bryant Oliver, 2009). Video game is another type of media violence that has a great effect on children. Most of the games that are produced have some form of violence in it and this may psychologically affect the young people. Researches that have been conducted shows that the children who play violent games are most likely to act violently. These are very serious situations to have the children exposed to. The games which are violent are supposed to be avoided by the children. Most of the children will start implementing such actions they have been playing with others on the streets so as to be seen as the most person who really knows how to do as it has been acted. This ends up being psychological torture to the concern persons hence there is need to adequately limit the access to such media by the children (Cesarone, 1994). Time should be planned well for children so as to avoid wasting too much of their productive time. They should be able to do school homework and have time with their family. They should also find some time to play with their friends. This will help them grow well and be physically fit. Parents should manage time for their children well. Time planning will also ensure that some programs which are irrelevant to children are not watched. In general TV is important to children and should be allowed to watch it. However, parents should control the programs in the television that their children watch. Parents should select the programs that she knows are helpful to their children. However programs which children may really want to watch should be considered if good they can be allowed (Gentile, 2003). Children should be encouraged to watch good programs in television because they are educational as well as entertaining. Parents should choose the programs that are to be watched by their children. This is important as it will allow only good programs to be watched. Children should not be allowed to watch programs and listen to songs which may contain some sexual and violence scenes. This instills a bad sexual behavior in the lives of people. This is the main cause the current state of marriage problems and high rate of divorce. The youths also are implementing such bad sexual behaviors and injuring one another for no appropriate reason (Preiss, 2007). There are several break-ups and misconducts which lead to devastating psychological problems. These psychological problems are hard to clean or clear up in the live of a person but ends up being a source of disturbance on the person all through his or her life. This is also the main source of making irrational decisions which are not helpful at all in our lives since people think and reason with emotions as a result of the psychological instability and torture. People even tend to fix their marriages as per the programs which they have watched. This is due to their lack of adequate knowledge on the relevance and the irrelevance of such scenes. The emotional pats are very disturbing and hence most people who watch them ends up getting carried away and in most cases, they also ask themselves questions as to the reasons why any ugly scene happened. This is a clear indication that it’s a real source of psychological disturbance on the individuals. There is therefore need for people to control what they watch and limit also their thoughts to entertainment not to be carried away by them and being violent. Watching these programs may affect them later in their lives. Horror movies may make children terrified which may affect them negatively throughout their lives (Kirsh, 2009). Conclusion It was found that after the introduction of television, people have become more violent. This is due to the exposure to the violent media. People tend to apply to their real lives what was done on the movie. It may even make one to be remorseful when they do something bad. Media violence is also aired in television and it negatively affects the young people. Exposure of young people to the media violence makes them to be more violent and this is highly seen when they become adults. Violence is the act of injuring and killing someone. Children can watch movies in the television that may influence them to kill or even get affected by the site of a dead person. There is need to adequately control what is being watched by people so as to avoid the psychological torture from such violent media. Video game is another type of media violence that has a great effect on people. Most of the games that are produced have some form of violence in it and this may psychologically affect the young people. There should be a means of counterchecking any form of game so that the children may not develop the same attitudes as what is being played. References Bryant, J. Oliver, M. B.(2009). Media effects: advances in theory and research. 3rd ed. Kentucky: Taylor Francis Cesarone, B. (1994). Video Games and Children. New York: Cengage Learning Freedman, J. L. (2002). Media violence and its effect on aggression: assessing the scientific evidence. Toronto: University of Toronto Press Gentile, D. A. (2003). Media violence and children: a complete guide for parents and professionals. New York: Greenwood Publishing Group Giles, D. (2003). Media psychology. New York: Routledge Kirsh, S. J. (2006). Children, adolescents, and media violence: a critical look at the research. New York: SAGE Publications Kirsh, S. J. (2009). Media and Youth: A Developmental Perspective. New York: John Wiley and Sons Ruben, B. D. (2006). Communication Yearbook. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers Perse, E. M. (2001). Media effects and society. New York: Routledge Preiss, R. W. (2007). Mass media effects research: advances through meta- analysis. London: Routledge Wilkins, L. Christians, C. G. (2009). The handbook of mass media ethics. New York: Taylor Francis
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Hitler Social Problem Essay Example for Free
Hitler Social Problem Essay The topic I will be researching as my social problem will be World War Two and Hitler. This topic reminds me of the quote I’ve chosen by Abraham Lincoln, â€Å"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power. †This reminds me of Hitler because Hitler was a descent man before he gained power. In this social problem Hitler holds the power. He is able to control a whole army and make them kill the Jewish people. I will be talking about Hitler’s early years his time during war how he controlled his army and so much more. Adolf Hitler was born in Austria on April 20 in 1889 he had six siblings. By the time he was three his family moved from to Germany. When Hitler was a chided h clashed often with his father. Hitler was detached and introverted he differed from his father, because his father didn’t approve of Hitler’s interest in art rather than business. Hitler also showed an interested in German nationalism. The nationalism was his motivating force in his life. Once Hitler was a young man he worked as a watercolor painter and casual laborer. He applied to the Academy of Fine Arts and got rejected twice. He lived in a homeless shelter for several years. During the time of WWI Hitler applied to serve in Germany’s army he was accepted in August of 1914. Hitler was a decorated soldier he had received a metal for bravery, Iron Cross First Class, and Black Wound Badge. Hitler wasn’t satisfied with the collapse of the war effort this reinforced his passion for Germany patriotism; he was shocked by Germanys surrender in 1918. He believed that the German army was betrayed by civilian leaders and Marxists. After WWI Hitler returned home and continued work for the military as an intelligence officer. Hitler was invited to join DAP (the German workers party) and he did in 1919. In 1921 Hitler replaced Drexler as the new DAP; NSDAP Chairman. In front of 3000 people at a large beer hall in Munich Hitler announced that the national revolution had begun and declared a new formation of a new government. Three days after this Hitler was arrested and tried for high treason he had a year in prison. During this time he written his first book â€Å"Mein Kampf Vol. 1†this book outlined his plans to transform German society into a society based on race. Hitler’s rise to power begins, The Great Depression in Germany provided Hitler with a great political opportunity. The Germans were more open to extremist options in government because their faith in their current government is failing. Hitler used this to his advantage. After Hitler lost the presidency vote he was appointed as chancellor in order to promote political balance. He used his position to form legal dictatorship. Having gained control mover legislative and executive branches of Government, Hitler and his political allies embarked on a systematic suppression of the rest of the political opposition. By the end of June the other parties disbanded. After July 1933 Hitler’s Nazi party was the only legal political party in Germany. The day before Hindenburg’s death in August of 1934 the cabinet had made a law inactivating the office of president and leaving all the power to the chancellor. Hitler thus becoming head of state, and was named as Germany’s leader and chancellor. As head of state Hitler had full control of the armed forces. Hitler withdrew from the League of Nations. Thus concluding his rise to power. Hitler’s beliefs were a nation for racial hygiene. New laws included banning marriage between non-Jewish and Jewish Germans, and deprived â€Å"non-Aryans†of the benefits of German citizenship. His early eugenic politics targeted children with mental or physical disabilities then later targeting adults with the same disability. More groups the Nazis targeted were the Jewish people, communists, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witness, trade unionists, among others. However Hitler never spoke publicly about the killings of these groups of people. Hitler got people to believe in his beliefs by using the great depression to his advantage, people at this time wanted a change and he provided them with one. He also told people of the conspiracy involving the Jewish people. This was Hitler’s use of ethos in his speeches. This is what convinced people to believe this was the right thing happening. You see Hitler was a descent man as you read in his early years. He was descent until he got power. This is why Hitler reminds me of Abraham Lincoln’s quote â€Å"Nearly all men ca stands adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character give him power. †Hitler was given power, and his character turned sour and ended up killing thousands of people.
Mcdonalds Human Resource Management (HRM)
Mcdonalds Human Resource Management (HRM) In this report it has been analyzed and found out the kind of Human Resource management theories and techniques are in reality implemented or practiced by the McDonalds Human Resource Management. The field study it has done entails by visiting the HR office of the McDonalds located at the Notting Hill Gate, London. Throughout the visit it has been observed the all practices. It has been also observed the working culture and the motivating factors at the McDonalds and also the team work. Due to grading the Recruitment, Training, Business strategies and the Performance management. After analyzing the books and the website of McDonalds it is able to explain the theories of the Human Resource Management and also the some of the corporate values of the McDonalds. In the course of the study and the research It have found that the McDonalds process of recruiting the worker and staff and how they provide training to their employees. The success of the McDonalds is because of the employees an d the different market strategies so this assignment is to understand the HR Strategies of the McDonalds. The purpose of this study is to know the recruitment and selection process in detail and also about the training programme at McDonalds for their employees to achieve the objectives of the company. Here we also going to discuss the Business strategies used by the McDonalds to hold the better position in the market and the strategies used by McDonald have to respond the new competition in the market. The performance management system of McDonalds also contributes its efforts in achieving the aims; it contains the strategies to motivate the employees. COMPANY PROFILE McDonalds originated in California, USA, 1954. McDonalds Corporation along with its affiliates operates as a food service retailer worldwide. The franchises of the McDonalds operate the McDonalds restaurants that offer a variety of food items, soft drink, coffee, and other food and beverages. According to a survey it shows that as of December 31, 2009 the company runs or operates 32,480 restaurants in 117 countries and out of them 26,215 were operated by the franchisees and 6,265 were operated by the company. McDonalds corporation franchises and operates its restaurants in the food service industry. McDonalds supply the products to most of the McDonalds restaurants where McDonalds independently owned and operates distribution centres, which is approved by the company. Where the employee and personnel of restaurants are trained very well in the storage, preparation and handling of products and in the delivering the good customer services. In February 2009 the company sold its interest in REDBOX AUTOMATED RETAIL, LLC The franchises of McDonalds operates McDonalds restaurant in the food and service industry. These restaurants variety and yet limited value priced menu in more than 117 countries globally. Most of the restaurants are operated by the company or by the franchisees, under the franchise agreement franchisees are included and under license agreements foreign-affiliated markets and developmental licenses are included. Human Resources Strategies of McDonalds Recruitment As we know that McDonalds is the biggest family restaurants business in the world. To provide the best family restaurants experience by far is McDonalds vision. To achieve this we put people at the centre of everything we do and that goes for our employee as much as our customer. People perform well when they feel better in their job and McDonalds has recognised it so McDonalds go all out to create the right and good working environment for everyone. Thats a lot of people to consider which is why McDonalds strive to provide variety of rewards and benefits that suits all kind of lifestyles. McDonalds is successful in achieving the best working experience for their people; they aim to provide customer the restaurants experience. Employees working in the McDonalds they not only become the part of one of the largest global brands but also a constantly developing organisation that offers an environment of flexibility, equality, diversity and opportunity. Reflective of the society and communities in which McDonalds operate. In UK McDonalds offers a probably most diverse work in culture. The people come from all walks of life to McDonalds and they share a common approach i.e. a positive one. HIRE THE SMILE is the policy of the McDonalds when they hire the crew membe rs and this help to nurture a work force of employee with a positive approach and outlook, in return we earn cheerful and friendly atmosphere. McDonalds thinks that its not only just about hiring happy and cheerful people its about keep them smiling by doing everything. McDonalds offers rewards and benefits that fit in with their lifestyle, which so ever it may be whether they are a part-time employees working to fund their school and college education or Trainee Business Manager straight out of university. Recruitment and Selection at McDonalds Recruiting suitable applicants: Which ever post it may be whether employee wants to join as a crew member or a Trainee Business Manager, McDonalds always provide exceptional support, real progression opportunities, a range of excellent rewards and all potential associated with working for the McDonalds a worlds famous global brand. Crew Members The McDonalds has designed a three-step application process for potential crew member to make sure that they are right for everyone. The first phase of the application is an online; people go through an online process which contains some questions. If the candidate is successful in the first phase they send the invitation to the candidate for an interview with HR officer after that they send the successful candidate for (OJE) On Job Evaluation and for interview at the restaurants with manager. The On Job Evaluation is for serves two purpose one is that it helps an d gives the good opportunity to assess the candidates skill in customer services against what is needed to be a successful member of the McDonalds team and also allow the candidates to see that if McDonalds high energy environment suits their preferred style of working. This OJE process takes about 15 minutes and the candidate works at one of the customer facing areas and full instruction is given to candidate on what to do . In addition the candidates have and interview with the business manager and the whole process will take about 30 minutes for assessing the candidates. Crew Benefits: McDonalds provide 28 days paid holidays per annum. After three year service they provide free private health care. Stake holder pension scheme. Bonuses related to Restaurants performances. Provides vouchers of Argos, Thomas Cook, Debenhams, Marks Spencer and House of Fraser awarded at service milestones Annual pay reviews Great discounts, about  £13 at Alton Towers and at Thorpe Park Its about  £12 Saving of 50 per cent at LEGOLAND 10 per cent off at  £63 saving on special BSM learner starter pack 25% off many short breaks and holidays 65 per cent off in universal cycles. Welcome Meeting After completing all the application process and the candidates are selected and crew member have been hired they are called to attend the Welcome meeting at their chosen restaurants or a recruitment centre. In this meeting the inform and engage new starter for the one hour in this meeting. The meeting involves viewing a DVD which provides important information about the McDonalds and also allows for interaction between manger and the new starter. The second part is orientation which is compulsory its an online process which provides information regarding the Health n Safety test that the new starter has to complete in their own time. The beginning of the orientation starts with the tour of the store highlighting key health and safety and food safety procedures. And it is also recommended that it should be last for the first two ours of the shift. Trainee Business Manager A trainee business manager participates in an award-winning management training scheme and the business trainee manger is required to show strong leadership quality. It is not a small feet to a win a place on McDonalds management development programme. Its not a short term commitment but rather it represents a long- term career decision. McDonalds want make sure that the candidate and McDonalds are right for each other, therefore the candidates has to go through the four steps of selection process. The first step it is all about the screening process which ensures that candidates meet the basic criteria. The successful candidates are asked to complete the next step which contains the personality questionnaire the candidate has to complete it online. This will make sure that the candidate has the desired attributes and their preferred style of working suites. After that the next step is based on restaurants OJE or On Job Evaluation. The candidate will do real job for a day and learn what its really working in a McDonalds restaurants. After completing OJE process the final step is selection process i.e. an interview with the senior manager. First o f all the Trainee Business Manager has to complete an intensive 18 week Management Development programme. This programme will give the candidate thorough training in the business of McDonalds and also train the candidate regarding the commercial skill that are needed to bloom and develop into an effective assistant manager. Later an assistant manager can progress to become business manager or an operating consultant i.e. area manager depending on their desire to achieve. Benefits The candidates are provided with a package of professional rewards which includes a starting salary of up to  £21500 including London weighting. There is also potential of quarterly bonus within the week of joining. The candidate could be running their own restaurants under the three year and also earning a salary and package of  £45000. The successful candidates can expect additionally Holiday of 5 week per annum and it can be raised to 6 week from April 2009 Annual performance in relation of pay review Life assurance. Pension scheme After six months services they cover a private healthcare and also a company car or cash alternative. Home telephone bill assistance. For every 10 years of services there is a paid sabbatical leave of eight weeks. Training at McDonalds Includes complete development McDonalds constant success of is constructed on the highest principles of quality, delivery of services and cleanliness to customer in each of the McDonalds restaurants. These standards are achieved because of the well trained crew member and also well trained manager. The policy of McDonalds that provide the career opportunities that allows the workers to improve and develop their full potential. This policy programme for both crew and operation management, and a career advancement that enables a first job for the progression of the employees to the senior management position through merit based promotions. Around 55,000 employees are trained in McDonalds every year. McDonalds spends around  £10 million over on going employees training every year for providing people with valuable skill. McDonalds work experience is a foundation for future employability, mostly as the UK labour market continues to evolve. As there is increase in the demand of skilled employees, a job which offers an on-going training with a leading organisation is very best career investment. People from all over the world of life recognition of first job at McDonalds through having prepared them with ingredients of success. Staff Training Staff training programme at the McDonalds is an on the job professional experience that make other learn the skills transferable to other industries. In McDonalds the entire new employee begins their experience with an induction into the company. Here the trainers work together shoulder-to-shoulder with other trainees where they absorb the operation skills for running the each and every 11 workstations in every restaurant, from front counter to grill area. Each and every employee learns to operate contemporary food service equipment, gaining knowledge of McDonalds operational procedure. Every manuals and video tapes cover every detail, starting from how to prepare a big Mac, and they also teach that how to deliver exceptional services to customers. Not only this employees also learn how to train and supervise other people. The people who first time employed in McDonalds, McDonalds are an important mentor who teaches the interpersonal and organisational skill which is important for performing effectively on any job. The business of McDonalds demands effective teamwork, discipline and responsibility. The result of McDonalds experience is in improving self-confidence and communication skill and McDonalds stresses on customer care and attitude where organisation experts known as an essential element for business success. Business strategies of McDonalds As we know that McDonalds is the most successful fast food chain in the world. In the success of the McDonalds we may possibly easily identify number of successful business strategy operations. Time to time McDonalds enhances its own brand imagine with the help of different social activities and sponsors the special events and sports like as a main sponsor of the world cup since 1994 and the champions league football in England from 1996 to 2000. The reason of the McDonalds success is that McDonalds implements many strategies like Porters Competitive strategies model that includes differentiation and low cost leadership or miles n snows strategy typology which describe prospector, defender, reactor and analyser strategy. Its obvious that McDonalds has to implement or choose the most appropriate strategy for its success. How McDonalds implements its business strategies? The business structure of McDonalds is totally based upon a geographic structure. Because when we access their website they ask the person to choose their country that they are interested in. In fact in the five geographical divisions McDonalds has divided its operations. As shown in the figure that 65 % of McDonalds restaurants located in United States and Europe generates 75% of revenue. The most important strategic approach of McDonalds for maintaining its leading position in the market has to keep the major markets at the same time they are expanding their business in the emerging markets. Though there are different consumer groups in the different countries having a different tastes and requirements. So each unit of full geographical functions of McDonalds was required to response full for marketing and producing its products in that particular region. Over this regional or geographical structure the McDonalds is not only satisfying the needs of consumer of that or different geographical areas but also tracking a maximum local development. The main strategy of the McDonalds is that they produce and markets the slightly different kinds of products in different geographical areas and even those products have different prices. Jim Skinner the chairm an of McDonalds said once that if you are looking for a command centre with one push button to operate our restaurants in every corner of the world or in the different countries having a different culture you will not find it. Though there is a QSCV-quality service, cleanliness and value philosophy is everywhere. McDonalds is right in understanding the consumer that customer need the fast services, bearable prices and better standard hygiene. In most of the countries McDonalds having a similar product where they provide good services, including beef, chicken and bread potatoes and milk. In different countries consumer having a different taste and requirements and McDonalds time to time launches the new products for their regional customer. Effect of external environment on McDonalds strategies There are two sectors which affects the McDonalds strategies that are competitor and social concept. Competitor: Its unlikely that McDonalds may be at No. 1. In an annual consumer satisfaction survey McDonalds has been listed at last among the fast food restaurants since 1992 and in 4th quarter of 2002 McDonalds had disclosed 1st time its quarterly loss the reason of this is that the consumer has switched to McDonalds competitor i.e. Burger king, subway, etc. These companies focus on offering the fresh and high quality of food at lower price at low price and many fast services. Which resulted that McDonalds has to close its 719 poor performing restaurants around the world? And all these result were proving that McDonalds may not be longer in competition of fast food market. If McDonalds does not adapt the external environment change, they can be diminishing gradually and even it can be replaced by the other competitors. To keep their market share increasing sales and profit McDonalds has to answer the threat of the competitors. In 2003 McDonalds introduce its new product McGriddles sandwiches as a feature of breakfast in US and Canada, and in UK they introduce premier and zesty McChicken and in other countries McDonalds was trying to provide satisfaction to customer by offering premium products at affordable price. Even more McDonalds is providing good choice with respond to Happy Meal for the children. For example Happy Meal is includes chicken selects, do added sugar fruit drink and also to produce coffee to appeal the adults. And those products have been produced to attract existing customer and also to develop new customer. Moreover the McDonalds has innovated its menu and also McDonalds is rebuilding and relocating its restaurants to make environment comfortable to the customer. McDonalds is differentiating itself by creating more relevant experience to attract customers, like they are allowing customers to access internet with the wireless technology. Social problem -healthy issue: As the economy is growing, living standard of people is also increasing. People are now more concerned about their health issues. There is no doubt that McDonalds has made itself more convenient for the customer. Most of the people think that such kind of fast food restaurants are not good for health. WHO report showed that such food not only can cause obesity of children but also the cause of cancer. Issues regarding the health biggest hurdle for the development of McDonalds customer were switching to the healthier competitor like Subway and KFC products. McDonalds has answered to this healthy trend. In order of competition McDonalds has added the salads and other healthier products in their menu. If the any mother comes to the restaurants she will not only find happy meal for her children but also she will find a meal for her also. The lighter and healthier option encourages the existing customer to come back often because there is greater variety of choices. Focus on Children: Different taste and local needs doesnt matters McDonalds has paid its all considerable attention towards children in every country. McDonalds has made happy land for the children offering fantastic happy meal with superb toys to them. And even more McDonalds have just launched the computers with games that are designed for the childrens imagination at the same time they shape their personal features. There are 3 main reasons for McDonalds to focus on the children i.e. McDonalds biggest consumers group are children and McDonalds has been regarded as their favourite place to go. The brand culture happiness is known by the children. The belief of McDonalds on focusing on children is that it can build the stable business and will also provide the best booster to encourage the whole family to come to McDonalds for example McDonalds can offer other products with childrens happy meal to the whole family. By building brand loyalty with children McDonalds is more likely to successful today and in future also. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Employees are the important resources of the company. They insures the collaboration of financial, industrial resources so that organisation able to function. Today some of the experienced managers think that the financial reward cannot stay the only type of an employee encouragement or inspiration. There is need of viewing the needs of employees as entity that leads to the search of the non-financial incentives. There are many non-financial incentives connected to employees satisfaction of need for example employees participation in decision making, self-fulfilment, personal growth and others. Full use of human resource by the organisation is the most important advantage which allows the organisation to capture the position in the global market. The McDonalds flourishes owing to the logical combination of the staff into the problem solving. The company follows the principle i.e. the result is done by a man, McDonalds observes its employees as the primary means of achievement in the field of quality and productivity. McDonalds has built its success on the motivation theories having changed only some aspects of them. McDonalds follows four simple principles, which provides the possibility of growth in the performances of its employees: The organisation must innovate the different system of motivation for every department. There must clear and attainable aim for the personnel, its better to have one aim for each person There must be change in aim. Manager must have two aims for the year. For example the first manager inspects the number of employee and clients then the manager inspects the number of returning clients and then the manager should analyse the increase in the sales. This process gives the possibility to find out the qualities and abilities of employees and also to check the new method of work. The rise in salary must be workable for the employee. McDonalds implements three components of the motivation theories i.e. financial incentives, non-financial incentives and social policy. All these three components are mentioned in the Maslows motivation theory. Though Maslow describes that all needs must be one by one. The research of McDonalds and its strategy structure shows that only immediate fulfilments of the employee needs and that will increase the performance of the employees. Its not important to fulfil all the needs of every level. In reality every man has a numbers of needs in every existing moment. McDonalds has an effective motivation system that makes it possible to growth in the performance of the employees and also increases in the companys productivity. McDonalds administration staffs have applied the situational approach which has turned out to be the most relevant to the current condition. The administration department have used the particular techniques on the origin of motivation theories. After applying the assembly line procedure in food preparation McDonalds has ensured the standard quality of production and the high performance. In addition McDonalds has applied actual motivation strategy that is grounded on motivation theories. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION In the above discussion we just come to know about the HR Strategies of the McDonalds the assignment discussed four HR strategies of the McDonalds: Recruitment selection, training, business strategies and management performance system. McDonalds believes that the growth and success of restaurants and company is gained and achieved with the help of their employees. The aim and objective of the McDonalds is to recruit the best people, to maintain them by offering ongoing training appropriate to their position and to promote them when they are ready. The recruitment policies, procedures and practices show the purpose to achieve its aim. It is analyzed there must be some achievement and promotion activities for the crew member as McDonalds has provided to its Business management trainee. If the McDonalds fails to identify the new competitors, interest of consumer shifts, and innovative technologies and social trends then there is a strong possibility of loosing there market share. In 20 03 McDonalds has decided to divert its focus to increase the sales in existing restaurants. To achieve the main objective, McDonalds strategy must attract more new customers and also encourage the present customer to visit restaurants more often, build brand loyalty and eventually create long-term profitable growth for the company.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Pearl Harbor Conspiracy :: essays research papers
â€Å"It was very apparent to everyone who had carefully followed the course of events that we would sooner or later have to meet the threat to civilization which these aggressor nations were presenting to the world†¦and that we would ultimately be left to face the onslaught alone†¦Ã¢â‚¬ are words from then Secretary of War Henry Stimson. America knew she was headed for war, her people though, not directly feeling the effects of the conflicts going on half a world away would not support the loss of American lives for a foreign war. The government knew about the planned attacks on Pearl Harbor, kept the information from the military leaders that needed it the most, and used the tragedy to rally the nation toward war.      â€Å"AIR RAID ON PEARL HARBOR. THIS IS NO DRILL.†This is the message sent out by radioman Kyle Boyer at 7:58 a.m. Sunday December 7, 1941; a date which will live in infamy. The empire of Japan had attacked the United States’ Pacific Fleet based in Pearl Harbor. For months the US Intelligence community, as well as others around the world, had been intercepting and decoding transmissions from mainland Japan to their diplomats and spies in the US. We had cracked their Purple Code, and knew exactly what military intelligence was being transmitted back and forth. The Dutch also cracked Purple and informed our government of the Japanese plan and were shocked to hear reports that we were taken by surprised. Even more disturbing, months before the attack a British double agent, Dusko Popov, codenamed Tricycle, turned over to the F.B.I. detailed plans of the Japanese air raid, which he had obtained from the Germans. The government had the information, and d id nothing with it.      The people who needed the information the most, Admiral Kimmel, commander-in-chief us pacific fleet, and General Walter Short, the army commander in Hawaii, were kept out of the loop. Why would the military keep such pertinent information from its leaders in Hawaii? Some would argue they hid the information so the Japanese would not know their code was broken. I wonder if the 2,000+ service men and civilians that died that day would share the same concern. Admiral Kimmel had been complaining about shortages of personnel, planes, and radar for months. General Short did not even know he had a special Army monitoring station on the island, and was not even cleared to see the decrypted messages known as Magic.
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