Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Performance Elements Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Performance Elements - Assignment Example In Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest, it contains heavy dialogue which limits direction to the initial scene settings, and also limits the vocal or expressive cues for the different characters. It is thus suggested that if any of the performance elements were removed, it will leave the story’s performance suggested or with an understood tone on the dialogue which enables the reader to identify the various missing elements partly due to the logical progression of the story (Jago, Shea and Scanlon, 2011) On the other hand, The C Above the C Above High C provides more details in the plot and character development by using different performance elements such as background action, sub-scenes, visual cues, and even shifting the timeline. If any of these elements were to be removed and depend entirely on the dialogue, the play would result in a total confusing state (Wilde, 1885). This play also include political statements, symbolism as well as satire many of which will be lost if dialogue alone is employed. Symbolism and irony can be cited where Louis apply a facial cream and appears â€Å"white† though he is fairly dark but seen as very black among the rising black entertainers, and accepted by both the white and black community (Jago, Shea and Scanlon, 2011) Therefore, The C Above the C Above High C play is considered to be more in depth for the readers due to the different elements applied, hence giving the reader the ability to picture the play on the stage which lacks in the Wildes work of The Importance of Being Earnest which is heavily dialogued (Reed,

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